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Old November 21st, 2006, 07:14 PM

Turin Turin is offline
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Default Re: Ideas needed for worthy heroes mod

Wow that�s a lot of stuff. I particularly like the ancient basalt queen.

There are a few problems though:
1)The description has to be rather short. I don�t think many players would appreciate getting hit by a wall of text everytime they rightclick the commander, even if the story is interesting.
2)Unique names aren�t viable.
3)You can�t give heroes misc magic items as far as I know.

Anyway I�m pretty much finished with updating my worthy heroes mod, so that every nation gets at least two heroes or a multihero, so your ideas probably won�t make it into the next Version. But I�d really like the basalth queen in a later update.
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Old November 22nd, 2006, 02:52 AM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Ideas needed for worthy heroes mod

Yeah, I got a little carried away writing the description, first from sheer enthusiasm, and then on purpose since I happen to like Ka-ha-si's story, and it's a real story that I tweaked just a bit to make it fit Atlantis, and extended quite a lot from the bare-bones I got in Wiki, but didn't deviate from. I just honestly felt like, since Dom3 has so much mythology in it already, that it'd be nice to give you all an actual myth, in the form of a story, the same way it would have been passed down centuries ago. It's one I read when I was very young, and rediscovered while researching Inuit mythology on Wiki. So, for the hero's description in-game, definitely check out Wikipedia, under Inuit mythology, "Ka-ha-si", their stub will fit perfectly. I'd rather not reproduce it here, word for word, for the sake of avoiding copyright infringement but if you change a few words here and there, you'll be all set. Sedna's there too. I don't know what to do about the unique names problem, but there must be a modding solution, if not now then hopefully forthcoming. After all, names have power.
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