This latest Version
will most likely foul up your save game so do the following if you want to keep your current game.
1. open your SEIV directory and right click on your Star Trek Mod folder
2. click copy
3. click in an open area of your SE IV directory and then right click and paste
4. rename this copy Star Trek Mod 128
5. Update your old Star Trek Mod folder.
The file is a self extracting and installing file. Simply direct it to your Space Empires Directroy. If you are not asked to over right files, then it has not been directed to the correct location.
I am not a smart guy, but if I can figure this **** out, then so can you. Please if you do something wrong don't yell at me. Just think about it and you will solve the problem.
I will update the web site later, after some of you have had a chance to play this latest Version and report any bugs or other issues.
For the time being this will most likely be the Last update I do unless a major bug is discovered. I want to thank you all for your support and hope you all enjoy the mod.
Star Trek Mod v1.3.0
1. Fixed Spelling error in name Impulse Engine IV
2. Changed Shuttle alternate image from shuttle to FighterLarge
3. Changed Borg Plasma Projector I - III family from 2009 to 2109 to stop conflict with borg ripper beam
4. Changed Tonnage Space Taken from 15 to 20 for Emissive Armor I
5. Changed Tonnage Space Taken, and Tonnage Structure for Shield Generator I from 30 to 40
6. Changed Tonnage Space Taken on Computer Virus I - II to 30
7. Fixed Plague Bomb I was named incorrectly and had the wrong General Group (Thanks TNZ)
8. Added Requirement Torpedo Weapons 4 to all Races Torpedo Weapons.
9. Fixed Level requirement error in Breen Organic Extractor II
10. Fixed Masking issues with Components BMP (Mini)
11. Removed Extra Medical Facilities I - III (Duplicated)
12. Fixed Small Anti - Matter Torpedo I - III had ferengi weapons as family name instead of weapons
13. Fixed Issue with Romulan and Federation not designing colony ships early in game. (Thanks TNZ)
14. Added (As a test) the AI_Construction_Units file from the TDM Race UnitedFlora AI by Rollo
15. Changed Romulan Design Construction file slightly to facilitate the design of units early in the game
16. Changed Shuttle II - III size from 100 to 80 and 80 to 70.
17. Changed Reduced ship construction research cost by 10k
18. Changed Romulan General racial make up slightly to hopefully make them more effective in game. (I hope)
19. Added New Romulan 2k, 3k, 5k EMP files
20. Changed borg, Tholian, and standard Repair components to be more cost effective and better reflect the races using them
Star Trek Mod v1.2.9
1. Fixed Most of the Captain I had the wrong Tech Level requirement.
2. Changed Laser Beam I - V weapon family from 2000 to 2333 to prevent conflicts when upgrading
3. Fixed Tholian Armor I - IV now have the same requirement (Tholian Armor) as Tholian Armor V
4. Changed Dreadnought size for General Races from 1000 to 1200
5. Added Race mounts for 8472, Breen, Cardassian, Ferengi, General, and Romulan races.
6. Fixed Dominion Founder Shrine II was listed under Religious Technology and not Dominion Technology
7. Fixed Ferengi Mini Anti-Proton Beam I - III did not have the correct beam number was 17 now 16
8. Changed Description of Component Structural Integrity Field I - V
9. Changed Description of Component Phased Energy Cannon I - X
10. Changed Mineral cost of Phased Energy Cannon I - X from 300 to 50
11. Adjusted The cost and Tonnage of all Disruptors
12. Fixed Spacing errors in SystemNames
13. Fixed Level requirement error for Dominion Small Polaron Beam III
14. Changed Cardassian Bio Weapon in TechArea from Weapons Technology to Cardassian Technology
15. Fixed Errors in Federation Design Creation file
16. Changed Damage Points To Kill One Population from 10 to 50
17. Added Five negative point racial traits
18. Updated Splash Screen
19. Updated Component/Weapons families file
20. Updated Comments
[ October 31, 2003, 09:20: Message edited by: Atrocities ]