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Old June 11th, 2003, 06:34 PM

Othello Othello is offline
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Default Space Stations

Hi I am a very new player and I have a lot to learn. I built a space station but I am un sure on how to get it into space. I know that the planet has a launch button but I am not sure if they can be done for space stations. Their is a wrench with a line though it next to it name when I click on it. Do I need a specific kind of tech to lunch it?

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Old June 11th, 2003, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: Space Stations

You need to build it at a planet with a spaceyard or with a ship that has a spaceyard component. When it is complete it will automatically be placed in orbit in that sector.

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Old June 11th, 2003, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Space Stations

It sounds like you already have the base in space.

When you click on the square containing your planet, you see the planet and the base together on the same page, right?
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Old June 11th, 2003, 07:17 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Space Stations

Originally posted by Othello:
Hi I am a very new player and I have a lot to learn. I built a space station but I am un sure on how to get it into space. I know that the planet has a launch button but I am not sure if they can be done for space stations. Their is a wrench with a line though it next to it name when I click on it. Do I need a specific kind of tech to lunch it?


When you click on it (Crain) Base Ship Yard, you may add designs you have already made, so they may be built. Base Hull with a SPACE YARD component is a good BSY design plus any extras.

The the (wrench and Screw driver) may represent a Repair Base Station, this is to help repair and upgrade ships and is set on a Base Hull with a Repair Bay Component. This sounds like what you may have built.

Both above, and all Bases and Ships can be built from a Planets Space Yard Facility or a BSY as I desribed above.
When Bases or Ships are built, they will appear in orbit where they were built. As was your Repair Base.

The launch button would be to Launch any Sats, Mines or Fighters that may be on the Planet or as Cargo in a Ship or Carrier.

You also may Recover Sats or Fighters that have been launched.

Launch - Lunch, now I am hungry

[ June 11, 2003, 18:46: Message edited by: JLS ]
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Old June 11th, 2003, 07:36 PM

Andr�s Andrés is offline
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Default Re: Space Stations

There is no way to move space stations.
If you build it on a planetary space yard, it will be placed in the same sector orbiting the planet.
If you want a base somewhere else, such as over a warp point, you'll ned to build it using a space yard ship.
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Old June 11th, 2003, 08:06 PM
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Default Re: Space Stations

Originally posted by Othello:
Hi I am a very new player and I have a lot to learn. I built a space station but I am un sure on how to get it into space. I know that the planet has a launch button but I am not sure if they can be done for space stations. There is a wrench with a line though it next to it name when I click on it. Do I need a specific kind of tech to lunch it?

Welcome to the game Othello;

Before you get to far along you should read the Newbie faq's located in the thread at the top of this forum.

Space Stations, Battle Station, and Starbase construction.

Most players start their games on low technology level and research BASES in order to gain access to the Battle Station and Starbase technology.

But for a quick lesson in base design and construction do the following:

1. Set up a new game with LOW technology level for the players. (Found in the Player settings tab at game set up.)
2. After setting up your empire start the game.
3. Click the DESIGN icon, second on the top from the left. Its green with a grey ship in the center.
4. Click the CREATE tab and choose BASE.
5. Under Vehicle Size choose Space Station.
6. Under Design Type choose Base Space Yard.
7. Under Design name, choose a name.

NOTE: In the lower left hand corner of the Design Page you will see a box named WARNINGS that displays, yup you guessed it, warnings. Read them as they will often help you far more readily than you might expect.

8. Read the Warnings box and add what it says you must have for a Space Station. (1 bridge, 2 life support, and 2 crew quarters.)
9. Add the component SHIP YARD I (Or III depending upon your technology start.)

NOTE: It is really helpful to check mark the CONDENSED VIEW and ONLY LATEST option on the lower right side of the design page. These option help to reduces clutter and makes it easier to find things.

10. After adding the 1 bridge, 2 life support, 2 crew quarters, and the Ship Yard component, you should have used 450kt of your allotted 500kt storage space for this design. Just click the CREATE DESIGN button on the lower right hand side.

NOTE: Look at the SPACE USED window in the top center of the design page. It will show you how much space is available for your ship classification along with some other helpful info.

NOTE: Each ship class has a maximum storage limit attributed to it. For a space station that maximum limit is 500kt. Once that limit is reached you can no longer add components to the design. You can add them, but the WARNINGS window will display a warning and you will not be able to click CREATE DESIGN.

11. After clicking the CREATE DESIGN tab you will be taken back to the Designs menu. You should see your new Space Station Design on the left filed by name under BASE SPACE YARD. Click the Close Tab located at the bottom right hand side of the menu.

NOTE: Now you want to add that new design to a construction que. There are two basic ways to do this. (1) One you can click on a planet with a "construction yard facility", namely your Homeworld in the early part of the game, then on the CRANE icon located in the center top portion of the game window on the second row of icons.

This will open what is normally referred to as the planet que but is named the SET CONSTRUCTION QUE window.

Whatever you place into this que, will be built on this planet and this planet only.

The second (2) way of accessing the que is by clicking on the WRENCH icon, sixth on the top from the left. This will open the CONSTRUCTION QUES window thus listing all of your planets.

As you become familiar with the icons of the game you will know at a glace which planets have "construction facilities" and which do not. The ones that do have construction facilities will have a small CRANE icon next to planet image.

At this point in the game you only have one planet and you should be able to see the CRANE icon next to your planet in the CONSTRUCTION QUE window. To access that planets construction que simply click on that planet and that planets SET CONSTRUCTION QUE window will open.

12. Click on your Homeworld and then on the CRANE ICON as described above.
13. Click on the Space Station design you just made. (It should then be added to the planets construction que display in the center of the page.)

NOTE: At the bottom center of the Construction Que display is the Items Details display. This display will provide information on whatever you have your mouse on in the Construction Que display including estimated turns until completion.

The construction time for your space station should be about 2 or 3 turns.

14. Click the CLOSE tab
15. Click the END TURN icon. The blue arrow icon on the second row of icons sixth form the left. When asked to end your turn click YES.
16. Keep clicking the END TURN icon until the LOG window pops up and it says that your space station, often identified only by name, has been constructed.

At this point your space station has been placed into orbit around your Homeworld. You can now access its construction que in much the same way as your planets. Either from the WRENCH icon, or by clicking on the planet, then the space station itself then the CRANE icon.

Best of luck and good gaming to you.

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Old June 11th, 2003, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Space Stations

*whatches the poor newbie get burried*
the danger's of information overload...
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old June 11th, 2003, 08:48 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Space Stations

Nice job, Atrocities.

I was starting to struggle

[ June 11, 2003, 19:49: Message edited by: JLS ]
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Old June 11th, 2003, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: Space Stations

Choosing the Tutorial is probably the best way to get an understanding of the nuances of the game, especially design & construction.

You can access the tutorial from the main menu.

Oh, if you've come over to SE4 from MOO3, SE's tutorial is much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much better.

Afterall, running the Tuorial is what got me hooked into buying SE4 in the first place!
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Old June 11th, 2003, 09:07 PM

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Default Re: Space Stations

How much better, Katchoo

[ June 11, 2003, 20:08: Message edited by: JLS ]
&gt;~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~&lt;

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