Well I don't think that would help. I am pretty sure something was buggy somewhere deep inside. As to where... I cannot say.
I quit the game. Restarted SE4 using the mod launcher again. Loaded up the save game and it worked fine. Since this morning have played quite a few turns with no repeats, so it doesn't seem like something that gets saved in the save games.
When I clicked on my race details it showed everything correctly. It showed the advanced traits and the percent modifiers.
In the actual game everything was applied as it would be -1. So instead of tiny breathable worlds having 1200kt of unit storage they would have 1199kt. Instead of applying all the research needed to finish a project the turn it was due to be done it would apply all the research needed -1 pnt. When a project only needed 1 pnt it applied 0.
When research was split it applied the research divided up -1. All the planets had 1 facility less listed as their max than they should have had.
Don't know what caused it... never seen anything like this before and I have been playing since before the game came out (go demo!). Has me stumped apparantly has everyone stumped.
All I can say is at least all I had to do was restart SE4. Some weird program or computer glitch most likely.
I suppose we may never know.
[ April 10, 2003, 00:08: Message edited by: Cyrien ]