
February 24th, 2003, 12:55 AM
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Ringworld Contruction
Can anyone provide a simple set of directions as to how to contruct a ringworld?

February 24th, 2003, 01:30 AM
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
Use the search feature of this forum to find info on ringworlds. Check the Newbie FAQ Thread.
Failing that:
1) Research Stellar Manipulation 5 (after Astrophysics 1).
2) Build a number of Space Yard ships (preferably 11).
3) Move the SYSs to the same sector as a star you wish to turn into a RW.
4) Design 3 Starbases. One needs a RW Placement Generator, one needs Hyper-Density Cables, and one needs Gravity Plating (I think thats the name).
5) Build 1 Starbase with the RW Placement Generator, 5 with the Cables, and 5 with the Plating, all in the same sector as the star.
It is best to time their construction so they are all finished on the same turn. This prevents paying maintenance on finished Starbases when waiting for the others to be done. The best way to do this is to place the queue on hold when a particular Starbase is at 1 turn left. Once all are at one turn left, turn them all off of "Hold Queue".
6) Select the Starbase with the RW Placement Generator.
7) Hit the Stellar Manipulation button (or the B key) and select Build Ringworld.
It might be better to build 11 base space yards in the sector of the star and use them to build the Starbases. This frees up the SYSs to other tasks, and gives you 11 orbital BSYs right away when the RW is done. These can build units, ships and bases to defend the newly constructed RW.

February 24th, 2003, 01:40 AM
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
Originally posted by Imperator Fyron:
It might be better to build 11 base space yards in the sector of the star and use them to build the Starbases. This frees up the SYSs to other tasks, and gives you 11 orbital BSYs right away when the RW is done. These can build units, ships and bases to defend the newly constructed RW.
Good tip. I'll start using this in my own games 
A Se++ GdY $++ Fr+ C++++ Csc Sf++ Ai** AuO M MpT MpSk MpFd S--- Ss- RV Pw Fq Nd- Rp- G Mm++ Bb++ Tcp+ L++

February 24th, 2003, 01:49 AM
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
Thanks very much! Presumably a starbase large enough to accomodate 20000kt items can be made.

February 24th, 2003, 01:52 AM
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
Huh, I always did the "spawning spaceyards" strategy - send TWO spaceyard ships, set one building spaceyard ships continuously and the other (and all ships built by the first spaceyard) building ringworld components... of course, it does get to be a pain checking both the build queues and the constructed ships to see if I have enough of the various types... might have been easier just to build 11 darn spaceyards in the first place! :-)
edit - good idea with the 11 bases, too - and why not put some weapons on the bases too, so you can defend your colony - as well as your constructions, if you are unfortunate enough to get attacked while building your ringworld!
[ February 23, 2003, 23:54: Message edited by: Ed Kolis ]
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February 24th, 2003, 01:56 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
Thanks very much! Presumably a starbase large enough to accomodate 20000kt items can be made.
Not one. You need to build many starbases each holding one sphereworld part (which are of size 2000) The starbases are size 2500.
[ February 24, 2003, 01:38: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]
Things you want:

February 24th, 2003, 01:58 AM
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
I had an extra 0 there - 'scusi. And thank you.

February 24th, 2003, 02:26 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
edit - good idea with the 11 bases, too - and why not put some weapons on the bases too, so you can defend your colony - as well as your constructions, if you are unfortunate enough to get attacked while building your ringworld!
Well... all space station SYs should have a weapon on them to begin with. Missiles in early game, then some sort of beam later on. 

February 24th, 2003, 03:52 PM
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
I am actually just a few turns away, from building my first Ring/Sphere world. I can hardly wait. I found having 1 ship of the line there is a good idea as well. For defence, of course. But, I guess that number might vary. Depending on the location of the ring/sphere world.

February 24th, 2003, 09:59 PM
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Re: Ringworld Contruction
Don't forget: you need to send a colony ship (same colony type as your homeworld) to the ringworld, preferably timed to arrive at the same time the construction takes place.
First time I built one I had to sit and admire it for 5 turns whilst I built and brought up a colony ship...
Oh, and having a few population ships ready to deposit a few billion of your race on the thing is a good idea too.
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