
June 19th, 2002, 11:05 AM
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300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
101 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV
By: Members of Shrapnels SE IV Forum
1. You bought your first computer just for this game. (Thanks PC Gamer Magazine)
2. SEIV is the only game on your Hard Drive
3. You quit your job so you could dedicate more time to playing SEIV
4. The only email account on your computer is for PBW
5. You have warn out a mouse every month by just clicking
6. When you close your eyes, all you see is a blue grid
7. You stay up all night just too play "one more turn"
8. You changed your name to include Lord of the Known Universe
9. When your not playing SEIV, your posting at Shrapnel
10. When you�re not posting at Shrapnel, you�re playing SEIV.
11. You get goose pimples in case of strange noises from your SE4 Hard Drive.
12. Trembling from head to foot if the Hard Drive has died.
13. You bite the postman's leg, every day he does not deliver SE 4 Gold.
14. You cannot open a door without a minesweeper.
15. You see your car's fuel gauge and think: solar panels times stars divided by 10 times number of engines...
16. You put notes on your neighbors' front doors, informing them that ancient treaties stipulate that their houses belong to you.
17. You sit in traffic wishing you had a wave motion gun, or at least a repulser beam.
18. Your neighbor tells you he just bought a new car and you ask if it has a cloaking device
19. While sitting at your computer and your wife comes up and says, "let�s go to bed early" with a twinkle in her eye and you reply " how about a trade agreement"
20. If you need to start a conversation you say, "Mineral planet are the best."
21. You wake up from a nightmare screaming "The EEE are coming! The EEE are coming!"
22. You look out for a wife with enhanced reproduction characteristics, non-existent political savvy and low maintenance costs.
23. You see your mother-in-law with a car breakdown and think: ... no, my repair aptitude is pathetic.
24. You see a blonde sex bomb with a car breakdown and all of a sudden your repair aptitude changes to impressive.
25. You flush the toilet, go 3 steps forward, 2 steps back.
26. You threaten to Planetary Napalm your neighbors car, then go "ah, damn. My troops are on the planet- can't do that."
27. When your car runs out of gas, you're pissed that it won't move.
28. You're proud of your car's supply storage- it gets 280 sectors a tank!
29. You post at least once a day to this forum
30. You have started at least one thread here
31. You think the reason your car engine died is because someone hit it with an Ionic Dispersor.
32. You believe police cars have Tachyon Sensors.
33. When people you don't like come over you demand they remove all presence from system.
34. You woke up once wondering if you had enough minerals to buy a new car.
35. You accuse rich people of having a mega-evil empire and wonder why no one has declared war on them.
36. You have an SEIV Tattoo (that would be really funny if I didn't actually have one, [it would be even funnier if I knew where I got it)
37. You are SUDDENLY awaken by doorbell expecting, AARON to hand you your game.
38. You look at the night sky looking at the Big Dipper, and say I can Mode that.
39. You had a nightmare, and woke up as the PHONG.
40. When your population says its TO HOT? USE A SUNBUSTER?
41. When you are chased by the cops?, use your pearl jam clocking device?
42. When you are being bitten by misquotes use your Johnson wax DEEP WOODS OFF ECM X.
43. When a population ask you for money, DECLARE WAR on him at once.
44. You are woken up in the middle of night and see a figure of an SLEESTAK NAMED JRAENAR.
45. I go to the grocery store shopping for asparagus, and I see AMONKRIE looking at me?
46. You find yourself flicking through a mail order catalogue looking for an urban pacifier to deal with the kids next door
47. You are amazed that the policeman doesn't buy your 'but I have a solar sail' explanation for speeding
48. You find yourself in the economy section of the plane wishing Delta would install more cargo holds
49. You fear jewelry because you haven't researched shields yet.
50. You yell out "The Ukra-Tal are invading!" during thunderstorms.
51. You try to adjust your TV set because the monoliths in "2001: A SPACE ODDESEY" are off-color.
52. You get mad when you find out that your local newspaper doesn't have a SE4 section.
53. You took an advanced accounting course to help manage minerals, radioactive, and organics.
54. You think that you can only make 1 call to a person per turn.
55. You think the USA is a neutral empire.
56. You believe that Null-Space weaponry is the solution to all your problems.
57. You measure everything in KiloTons.
58. You hit a fog bank on your way home and you try to launch a recon satellite from your car trunk.
59. You count Battlecruiser instead of sheep to fall asleep.
60. When people talk about building expensive Missile Defense systems, you wonder why they don't just use a few Point Defense Cannons.
61. You shave your hamster in a way that it looks like a Vaxin.
62. You keep playing the game for 100 years after winning, just so you can make a sphere world.
63. You post so frequently that your numbers overlap with someone else�s
64. You can carry on a discussion for a day and a half in the forum about who posted which number in which order. (Sorry guys, I couldn't resist)
65. You post ways that you can tell you're addicted to SEIV.
66. You have this forum marked as your HOME PAGE.
67. You check on the latest status of SE IV Gold about 8 times a day
68. When you find yourself telling people that 'their cities shall burn in your vengeful fire' rather than asking them politely to move out of the way
69. When you sit at your desk wishing you had a cloaking device or stealth armor
70. When you pick a tie to wear in the morning on the basis that it looks like the Ukra Tel flag (I did, this morning)
71. Before you enter the office of your boss, you choose your strategies: primary - point blank, secondary - ram
72. When people avoid you at parties because they know you're just going to go on and on about your sphereworld construction plans and monolith conVersion programmer.
73. When you consider posting to the forum to ask if anyone is willing to write a bit of software and set up a server that will eliminate number conflicts in the "You know you're addicted" list by automatically allocating unused numbers to new entries...
74. You're sitting in the office trying to dream up SEIV lyrics to Puretone's addicted to bass
75. You have convinced one of your dates to post to your own thread, (Gryphin Growltigga).
76. You have barricaded yourself in your computer room, and have been playing SEIV now for 15 days strait without any sleep.
77. You realize on day 16 that despite your best efforts, you�re still not finished with the game.
78. You establish a military alliance with your family knowing that they will never honor the agreement.
79. You have considered glassing your wife�s homeworld.
80. You make active plans to invade the living room.
81. After months of playing SEIV on PBW, you go through withdrawal symptoms while waiting for your new game to start.
82. You have never truly finished a game of SEIV.
83. You now view time in increments of 10.
84. Your dates have been told from the get go that SEIV is as important as they are and when Gold comes out you will be unavailable for a week or more. (I don't know if you think this if funny, but it is true).
85. Begin to look for ways to upgrade your coworkers AI.
86. Find your self-wondering what Mods you would make on your girl/boy friend, wife/husband if you had the chance.
87. You search for the "Complete AI off" button on your wife/husband.
88. You try to MOD Windows in hopes that you will improve it.
90. When you have been not getting contacts from Malfador, Shrapnel, or anybody else that you think is important for long periods...
You believe that their warp gates have been cut off by stellar tech.
- OR - You keep mindlessly researching stellar manipulation so that you can get in touch with them again. - OR - You go use the master password to get into their heads to make them contact you.
91. You give 1000 pebbles to people you meet for the first time, and expect them to like you more.
92. You email AARON everyday to send him UNLIMITED suggestions when you don�t even have se4 gold?..
93. At night going to sleep, you close your eyes only to see flickers of stars, with a smile on your face.
94. You go to a tattoo parlor and have your WHOLE BODY painted with the UNIVERSE of planets.
95. You see that man in news that dress like lizard or alligator or something? and you say to yourself, I can race mode THAT.
96. You woke up this morning & having a bad day with bills, taxes etc, and suddenly, you say to yourself, OH MY GOD IM ON THE WRONG HOMEWORLD?
97. After re-lousing you rename your dog to "something bug fix v1.49"
98. After a quarrel with your wife, you dream of a "replay combat button" to see what went wrong.
99. You open warp points from your PC chair to the refrigerator and another one to the restroom, to save time.
100. #99 would be obsolete if #3 has been done, because everything would be within the same sector/room.
101. When the divorce papers are served you respond with:
a. Uh, yeah, just put them on the printer.
b. Can't you see I'm *^&%$(@# busy?
c. Launch a colony ship to the nearest breathable atmosphere.
d. Just sit there with the usual glazed look.
e. Start building those Intel centers you've been putting off.
[ May 24, 2004, 06:14: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

June 19th, 2002, 11:39 AM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
LOL: 82, 96 
L++, Gd?, $++, Fr-, C---, S*, T?, Sf+++, Tcp, A+, Bb++@, M++, MpB5, MpT, MpD, MpSa, MpM, RV, Pwt, Fqt, Nd-, Rpt, G+, Au, Mmt,S++, Ss+,

June 19th, 2002, 04:24 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
I have begun thinking about the game while I brush my teeth in the morning...so I guess I would say yes, I am addicted. Everyone needs a vice, right? 

June 19th, 2002, 04:46 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
Worse still, rule 102: You are replying to this thread when there is a 3rd year engineering exam tomorrow that you don't know a sh*t about! 
A propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane designed to keep the pilot cool. Want prove? Stop the prop and watch the pilot break out in a heavy sweat!

June 19th, 2002, 07:20 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
103 You wish you had installed the Drone Laucher in your car.
104 Even after nearly 2 years, your still actively playing this game.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

June 19th, 2002, 07:37 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
105 Even after 8 months of no work, you're late to an interview because you had to make that Last change to your new race style and, of course, it had to be tested.
All that is gold does not glitter,
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June 19th, 2002, 07:41 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
106: Your bathroom has become useless because of an organic infestation.

June 19th, 2002, 07:41 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
107. You arrive at interview just to find the interviewer playing SEIV. You offer advice and get the job.
[ June 19, 2002, 18:42: Message edited by: CNCRaymond ]

June 19th, 2002, 07:49 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
#7 Been there way too much!
Kill em all let God sort em out

June 19th, 2002, 07:59 PM
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Re: 300 Ways To Tell If Your Addicted To SE IV (Updated)
Originally posted by CNCRaymond:
107. You arrive at interview just to find the interviewer playing SEIV. You offer advice and get the job.
That's not true is it 
Change is inevitable, how you handle change is controllable - J. Strong
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