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Old May 6th, 2002, 12:30 PM

Athena Athena is offline
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Default Some questions about modding and AI

Hi all,

Just some basic questions about modding.

How you do to ensure that the AI will start transforming the atmosphere of domed colonies when he reachs the tech? I saw that in DevNull mod one of the first slots of each planet is for the transform atm facility, but what happen to all the colonies settled before the discovery of this facility? Does the slot is reserved by the AI, or is it taken by the next item in the queue?

On the same trend, how these placeholders name work exactly in the Proportion mod, with facilities using name of ships components?

About AI, when I check their turns, 95% of the planets queues are empty, stil they manage to build items which take several turns. How can it be?

If I give to a AI empire file a new tech tree like religious, will the AI be capable of using it on the fly in a game, or do I have to change the planetaries construction templates?
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Old May 6th, 2002, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: Some questions about modding and AI

Welcome to the board Athena.

The AI will not reserve any slots for the atmosphere converters, but will proceed to the next item in the queue. If all the slots are filled before the AI discovers the atm. conv. the planets will not get one. Hopefully in the future the AI will be able to scrap one facility and make room for the atm. conv.

If you give the AI different racial traits, you will have to change the AI files as well: research (must), design and construction facilities (very likely), planet types (depends).

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Old May 6th, 2002, 08:36 PM
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Default Re: Some questions about modding and AI

I've noticed the lack of build activity by the AI on several occasions, but I've never actually seen ships appearing out of empty construction queues, if that is what you mean. Most of the time their SYs sit idle, while one or two crank out ships.

As far as adding the racial trait, be sure to change the ship construction file first off, so that they use the racial weapons in their ships, bases, sats, etc. Easy way is to copy and paste the file from a race already using that trait...that's more on the fly.
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Old May 6th, 2002, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: Some questions about modding and AI

Also note that the AI adds to construction queues at the end of the turn (ie when you push the end turn button).
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Old May 6th, 2002, 08:56 PM

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Default Re: Some questions about modding and AI

The designs of the AI ships/units, research files will have to be modded to use the new tech. However - you may find that looking at another race that uses the racial tech your adding is good to review as an example. Use them as a template.

Most of the planetary construction queue is fairly generic - But you should review it to make sure that you add any of the facilities that come with the racial tech that may not be covered.

I suggest that you take a look at the facility and abilities files since they are the best place to review these and add them as needed to your planets.

When modifying what will be built on colonies be sure that you dont prempt your Minerals, radioactive and organic production by placing the new race tech facilities in the queue first - place them after the primary facilities.

Another useful tactic when modifying an AI planet construction file is to modify your colonies to include 1 extra of each primary resource generating facility, on all of your Farming, Mining and Refining colonies, This helps the AI keep a balanced budget..
So for instance A mining colony will build some mineral mining facilities, facilities that enhance mineral production etc.. but within the queue add two new entries (towards the bottom of the queue). Add 1 Organic resource production and 1 radioactive production. Based on my own experiences I recommend only 1 extra of each.

You will find that only the bigger colonies take advantage of these extra facilities BUT it makes a big difference for the AI's economy over the long haul. It also diversifies the AI resources - so that losing one planet doesnt necessarily cripple its economy.

[ 06 May 2002: Message edited by: AJC ]

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