On the contrary, I made that viewer because I didn’t find an existing one, more or less the same reason you describe, not to get the credit (because of course I cannot get any money

I think we should combine efforts and ideas to make the best viewer possible.
If you like any of the features or layout of my viewer, feel free to copy them.
BTW it’s some time since I wrote that viewer and I’m relatively satisfied with it and I’m not planning to make any update soon.
I recall another .exe race style viewer.
Instead of using html, it displayed everything in it's own windows.
A nice feature it had is creating animated explosions and shields.
I don't have a copy now and don't remember the author. Anybody knows where to find it?
BTW I have a bug report.
It doesn't seem to be working ok in my system, it doesn't seem to be creating a main.html although it does create all races profiles (or at least many, I didn't verify if some are missing, I see 3.36MB in 162 html files)
I imagine that that file is generated at the end and that some error occurs before, although I don’t see any error message.
It's probably related to the many race styles and many mods that include extra races, as well as AI only races that use pics under the main races dir.
Brief comparison and ideas:
Some features in my viewer
*It looks faster because it only generates one race at a time, just before displaying it, and take a minimal space since race file is overwritten every time you change race

Processing all races at once takes some time.
*Show all stuff in a single page, but I’m not sure if this is better than your two pages system
*List all ships in a logical easy to understand order, also useful to detect missing ship sizes. It would be nice to include neo-standard extra ship sizes (if any).
*Place Mini Pic next to the Portrait Pic
*Hide bitmap file names as part of a whole idea of making it easier to read. So you just see the word "Frigate" beside the Racename_Portrait_Frigate.bmp and the Racename_Mini_Frigate.bmp pics
*Verify the existence and list all existing AI files with links to see them
*Verify the existence and add a link to DesignName file
*Main title of the page is Empire Name + Empire Type (from AI_General), instead of DirName/FileName + "Empire"
("Amon'krie Continuum" sounds much better than "Amonkrie Empire")
*Lists any extra file in the race dir with the appropriate link. In most cases it results to be a readme (just click in the link and read) file or a .emp or a DesignName file that should be moved or copied to the appropriate directory.
Things I like in your viewer, and that mine can’t currently do
*Lists all races, including those in mods and neutrals
Some ideas I’d like to see in a future viewer
(I’m sure some people here will make more suggestions of extra features)
*At some point I had made animated gif previews for explosion and shield pics, but I got tired. How hard would it be to automate creation of animated gifs?
*Replace missing pics with pics from the generic (neutral) shipset. ()
*Your viewer displays racial traits and some extra info mine doesn’t. However it almost looks like reading the AI_general.txt
It would be nice to re arrange it to make it more readable.
Perhaps to look something like this:
Opt 1
1 – Aggressiveness – 110
Advanced Traits
1 - Organic Manipulation
Opt 2
1 – Aggressiveness - 120
2 - Defensiveness - 110
Advanced Traits
Organic Manipulation
Opt 3