Just need to quit playing just a little to thank you guys for such a complete game as SPIV Gold is.
I waited for awhile as I played CIV3 to decide if I should upgrade to the Gold. By the way Only Civ3 was the game in the past year to ever have me pull out my SPIV.
Anyway I am so pleased at the work you have done and the great way you have given me the many mods done by these great gamers I am speechless on how to thank you for a forty dollar game that to me is worth Hundreds.
And the manual is the BEST part. Done in a smooth fashion and with great credit to the modders and engineers who you have listened to and put their game pluses in the manual with due credit I am honored just to be a customer of your company. This fifty six year old gamer loves ya BABY!!!
Hey, Stockman, is not it amazing that I made a post with almost exactly same sentiments at exactly same time moment as you did ??
Telepathy or, more likely, some sinister sublime message is coded somewhere in this forum
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
As a newbie, I know where my weekend will be spent. Learning the intricacies of this game while keeping the rest of the family at bay with a disruptor set on heavy stun.
Going through the game and reading the .txt files making up some of the posted mods, I'm almost reticent to try my hand. Yeah sure, until I get the urge to update something that should be "a little more like this".
Regardless, a salute goes out to all the folks who worked on this epic. It's a pleasant change from the norm to see this attention to detail found in this product as well as the level of support evident in this forum. I'll be telling like-minded folks that I know about this product.
__________________ [i]I think I can see my house from here!</i] - Comment by Klingon in the [i]Unexpected</i] episode of Enterprise upon experiencing the Xyrillian-installed holographic chamber showing a simulation of the capital city of Qon'oS.