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Old March 28th, 2019, 02:13 PM
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Default Interesting Query Results

Here is a query that produces total number of scenarios by year:

SELECT sYear, count(*) AS Total
FROM ScenData.db
WHERE (sMonth > 0 AND sYear > 0) AND ScenID !=999
Not too surprisingly here is the list:

sYear	Total
1944	199
1945	114
1941	109
1943	100
1942	91
1940	75
1939	57
1936	6
1938	6
1937	5
1934	4
1935	3
1946	2
1933	2
1932	1
1931	1
1930	1
* Note: I excluded out the twenty-five 1930 scenario's (real dates 1908-1929) I am currently working for this result.
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Old March 28th, 2019, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: Interesting Query Results

So during play testing I wrote this query to find out about how many bicycles were in all the scenarios.

The query:

select distinct ScenNum, sTitle from sData
where uName = "Fahrrad Gruppe" or uName = "Kerekparos Raj" or uName = "Bicycles" or uName = "Bicycle Squad" or uName =  "Bicycle Sqd ATR" or uName = "Bicycle Cavalry" or  uName = "Bicycle Inf" or uName = "Bicycle MG Team" or uName = "Bicycle Sec" or  uName = "Bicycle Section" or uName = "Bicycle Scouts"
Note that I had to use MobHack to find all the possible spellings, there is a shortcut way to do that, but I just wanted to illustrate a point.

Here is the results:

ScenNum	sTitle
078 - 78 Hungarian 2nd Motorized 8/41
172 - 172 Air Assault on The Hague 5/40
235 - 235 Skirmish at Hustenburg 5/40
236 - 236 Belgian Counterattack 5/40
356 - 356 Prosna Bridgehead 9/39
357 - 357 Hard Fighting 9/39
359 - 359 Elddopet A Baptism of Fire 4/4
529 - South of Uman 7/41
624 - Siam Sambal 1/41
632 - Balkan Sideshow 4/41
652 - Riding the Coattails 9/39
653 - Age-Old Foes 9/39
668 - Tentative 5/40
Not only neat things we can ask ScenHack about our database of scenarios and units, but some great scenarios to try out when your like "Hey I'd like to play a scenario that has such and such with that whatz-youz-mall-callz itz".

If you ask I probably already wrote a sql for that or can help out.
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Old March 28th, 2019, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: Interesting Query Results

One last example for the day.

I just was curious how many scenarios contained the T-34/76 M1943.

The Query:

select distinct ScenNum, sTitle, uName from sData where uName like "%T-34/76 M1943%" and Nation = "Russia"
The Results:

ScenNum	sTitle	uName
000 - 0 WINSPWW2 Tutorial Scenario	T-34/76 M1943
007 - 7 Ferdinands at Kursk 7/43	T-34/76 M1943
046 - 46 Totenkopf Attacks 213.9 7/43	T-34/76 M1943
085 - 85 Wiking volunteers defend 2/43	T-34/76 M1943
088 - 88 The Dark Streets of Kiev 11/43	T-34/76 M1943
091 - 91 Panthers Enter Kowel 3/44	T-34/76 M1943
093 - 93 Tigers at Narva (II) 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
094 - 94 Romanian Spring Attack 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
115 - 115 Langemarck at Narva, Day 3 7/4	T-34/76 M1943
142 - 142 StuG 276 in South Russia 1/44	T-34/76 M1943
151 - 151 Czerkasy Station 3/44	T-34/76 M1943
152 - 152 Retaking Czerkasy 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
153 - 153 Kowel Relief Attack I 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
154 - 154 Defending Kowel 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
155 - 155 Piercing the Pocket 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
156 - 156 Kowel Tank Battle 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
168 - 168 Bake Attacks 2/44	T-34/76 M1943
254 - 254 Kurland: Baldone 9/44	T-34/76 M1943
266 - 266 Fronteinsatz 2/45	T-34/76 M1943
305 - 305 Gegenstoss 10/44	T-34/76 M1943
306 - 306 Jaszberenv Rearguard 11/44	T-34/76 M1943
349 - 349 StuGs against the Storm 9/44	T-34/76 M1943
379 - 379 Budapest 1/45	T-34/76 M1943
423 - 423 Prokhorovka 7/43	T-34/76 M1943
440 - 440 Tiger Trap  2/44	T-34/76 M1943
446 - 446 ASL Gotterdammerung 4/45	T-34/76 M1943
472 - 472 KG Friebe Attacks 4/44	T-34/76 M1943
505 - 505 Fictional delay, Romania 8/44	T-34/76 M1943
530 - The Crossing 9/43	T-34/76 M1943
532 - The Crossing Part II 9/43	T-34/76 M1943
534 - The Passing 8/43	T-34/76 M1943
536 - Hold Until Relieved 11/43	T-34/76 M1943
539 - Operation Kutuzov 8/43	T-34/76 M1943
540 - 3rd Mech Corps: Ukraine 8/43	T-34/76 M1943
543 - 3rd Mech Corps: Kursk 7/43	T-34/76 M1943
544 - The Turning Tide: Ukraine 9/43	T-34/76 M1943
545 - Southern Exposure: Kursk 7/43	T-34/76 M1943
547 - Beginning of the End: Kursk 7/43	T-34/76 M1943
574 - Delayed British Attack 8/45	T-34/76 M1943
589 - Taming the Tigers 8/44 (PBEM)	T-34/76 M1943
594 - No Support 7/44	T-34/76 M1943
595 - Thrown Together 7/44	T-34/76 M1943
596 - Cut Off 7/44	T-34/76 M1943
598 - Fanatical Holding Action 9/44	T-34/76 M1943
613 - Night Battle Noromaryevka 1/43	T-34/76 M1943
627 - Smashing the 3rd 8/44	T-34/76 M1943
720 - Smertniki 8/45	T-34/76 M1943
730 - The Deadly Line 8/45	T-34/76 M1943
Okay, I am guilty I created 20 scenarios with those T-34's! lol.

Okay one last sql to find all the scenarios that have the German's using captured T-34s:

select distinct ScenNum, sTitle, uName from sData where uName like "%747(r)%" and Nation = "Germany"

ScenNum	sTitle	uName
021 - 21 Jagdtigers in the West 4/45	Pz T34c 747(r)
350 - 350 Comrade Kopitin's Valor 8/44	Pz T34b 747(r)
416 - 416 Kulikovka Sanatorium 1/43	Pz T34a 747(r)
527 - Into the valley of death 10/44	Pz T34c 747(r)
545 - Southern Exposure: Kursk 7/43	Pz T34c 747(r)
Cool stuff with ScenHack...
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Old March 28th, 2019, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: Interesting Query Results

This thread is win.
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Old March 31st, 2019, 03:54 PM

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Default Re: Interesting Query Results

Wait, is the patch already out?
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Old March 31st, 2019, 04:20 PM
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Default Re: Interesting Query Results

Originally Posted by Ts4EVER View Post
Wait, is the patch already out?
Of course not. Coming soon.
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Old March 31st, 2019, 04:42 PM
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Default Re: Interesting Query Results

Don just got a bit ahead of events. If all goes well it will be Tuesday April 2

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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