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Old March 1st, 2002, 10:53 PM

Emperor's Child Emperor's Child is offline
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Default Design name question

I've noticed that the AI apparently selects new design names from the top of the list. So if you alphabetize your list the AI's appear to just roll down the alphabet as the game continues. I guess I initially assumed that the AI would randomly select names throughtout the game. Why, then, are most of the design names in alphebetized lists? Wouldn't it make sense to jumble up the listst, with good names for small ships on the top of the list and powerful / larger sounding names toward the bottom?
Emperor's Child
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Old March 1st, 2002, 11:16 PM

Val Val is offline
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Default Re: Design name question

Probably alphabetized to help us dumb Users to find the name we are looking for. Also, I would guess people sort it alphabetically to check for dupe names.

Your idea is pretty good though, I'll have to give that a try...
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Old March 1st, 2002, 11:20 PM

Taera Taera is offline
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Default Re: Design name question

First of all, thats because the original names by MM were sorted like that. I think thats the main reason.
Another reason is that it doesnt matter too much how the AI calls its ships exactly as long as it is in the style. It does matter for players, and i personaly choose from the list. And it is easier for me to look for what i need when it is sorted by name.
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Old March 1st, 2002, 11:37 PM

Emperor's Child Emperor's Child is offline
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Default Re: Design name question

Another reason is that it doesn�t matter too much how the AI calls its ships exactly as long as it is in the style.

I don't know about that. You could pretty easily tell which is the most advanced ship the AI is using just by paying attention to its name, and could make tactical decisions accordingly.

But more importantly it is more realistic to have different names all throughout the game, rather than all early ships starting with A's and B's.

I guess it matters who the design names are for. If you build the list for human use during play, then the list should be alphabetized. If you design the list for AI use, then it works better if the entries are randomized.
Emperor's Child
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Old March 2nd, 2002, 12:29 AM

Gryphin Gryphin is offline
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Default Re: Design name question

I'm confused. (then again I flunked network engineering),
"A rose by any other twould smell as sweet"
"Wouldn't it make sense to jumble up the listst, with good names for small ships on the top of the list and powerful / larger sounding names toward the bottom?"
Make sence? Is this to ad flavor to the game? Anyone with that need would find my nameing convention bland. Others would say "there seems to be a paturn but it is very unconventional".

"You could pretty easily tell which is the most advanced ship the AI is using just by paying attention to its name"
I just note the ship icon and the number appended to the end. The Terans are currently ussing a Light Cruser "Florida II". It has shields, the "Florida I" did not though I can't say that is always the case.

"it is more realistic to have different names all throughout the game, rather than all early ships starting with A's and B's."
Actualy except for the Terans, (suposedly from Earth), it is logical for the "alian" rases to have names in their "native" language. I guess for my "Gryphin Consortium" I should learn Greek and use that language to name my ships. If you want to talk "logic".
Just my perception, but polite people do say I'm "unusual". Rude people use other words. Your call.

[ 01 March 2002: Message edited by: Gryphin ]

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Old March 2nd, 2002, 02:27 AM
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capnq capnq is offline
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Default Re: Design name question

thats because the original names by MM were sorted like that.
With the lone exception being states.txt , which didn't seem follow any pattern at all; alphabetizing that list was the very first thing I modded.
Cap'n Q

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