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Old February 26th, 2002, 03:32 PM
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Default Dual question - launching satellites and nebulae

I have a couple of questions for you experts, one specific, one general:

1 I am trying to place sensor buoys with stealth armour I on the frontier warp points of my empire. The idea is that these buoys, when cloaked, can just sit there and give me advance warning of any hostile intrusion by the AI. The problem is I only need to lay 1 buoy per warp point. I have a satellite layer based on a destroyer hull with only 1 satellite launch bay but on simultaneous play, the launch units order button will automatically lay 2 buoys - talk about redundancy - can anyone tell me if it is possible to lay only 1 buoy and 1 buoy only short of only carrying 1 buoy on the ship??!!

2 I am playing on a large ancient map, the borders of my empire comprise lots of nebula systems. I have placed my sensor buoys on the warp points of those systems but these do not pick up transit through said warp points by any hostile vessels and once the AI vessel gets into the nebula, it disappears - is there any way of placing detecting transit of hostile vessels into a nebula system, short of mining the exit wp's?
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Old February 26th, 2002, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: Dual question - launching satellites and nebulae

1) What you can do, is send two ships. One sat layer, and one cargo ship. Transfer sats one by one to the layer, and lay them singly.

2) Nebulae Range from cloaking level 1 to 5. If you're deploying in a nebula, the stealth armor will be worthless, since the nebula does that for you .

Red, and cyan(IIRC) are levels 5 and 4, and there is no unmodded sensor to pierce that. Mines are your only alternative.
In the other 3 color nebulae, a level 3 sensor will do fine.
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Old February 26th, 2002, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: Dual question - launching satellites and nebulae

Originally posted by Suicide Junkie:
1) What you can do, is send two ships. One sat layer, and one cargo ship. Transfer sats one by one to the layer, and lay them singly. [QB]

SJ, thanks for that but it sounds quite a palaver to do that - stupid question, does the cargo transfer button work b/w 2 ships in space????

2) Nebulae Range from cloaking level 1 to 5. If you're deploying in a nebula, the stealth armor will be worthless, since the nebula does that for you .

Doh,, I know that but the nebula does not seem to 'stretch' to cover the warp points in the system, or at least in my experience, ships on the warp points in a nebula system are as visible as each other

Red, and cyan(IIRC) are levels 5 and 4, and there is no unmodded sensor to pierce that. Mines are your only alternative.
In the other 3 color nebulae, a level 3 sensor will do fine.

I agree, at early tech levels though I just built a sensor buoy with stealth armour and that is it - the purpose of it is to act as a ship in a system to spot the baddies - I dont see the AI using cloaking technology very much so dont need advanced sensor technology at this stage
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