Sort by date avail - is it working?
I had a question about the sort type - date avail function in the encyclopedia. I'm assuming this is supposed to sort units by the date they become available. However, it doesn't seem to do this perfectly. For instance, on page 2 of the USA section, "Engineer Sqd" (Jan 1930) is in between "B-17" (Jan 1941) and "60mm Mor H/T" (March 1941).
I'm trying to check for newly available units in between battles - i.e. to see what new unit types I have access to for upgrades and so on. But if the sort doesn't work, I have to look at every single unit in the database available at the time I'm looking. That takes quite a bit longer.
So, is it broken or is it sorting by something I'm not seeing? If the latter, then what and why?