Quick Questions
Returning to Steel Panthers after a long layoff - played a LOT in the early days (1996 -1997?), glad to discover and purchase this version. Just a couple quick questions for the veterans.
1) Is there a better way (example - a mod) to help differentiate and identify changes in terrain. Right now I push the cursor hex to hex but to my (admittedly old) eyes, the rises and drops in terrain are not readily spotted.
2) If you move and fire does that reduce the number of shots that you have available as opportunity fire? If you stay in place and fire does your number of shots in oppty fire get reduced?
3) If an enemy unit is routed, can I count on it staying that way. This is primarily a victory hex question - if my units grab the victory hex and move on is there a risk that the routed enemy unit that I left behind will rally and retake it?
4) When units fire, is there any way to slow down the casualty report at the top and bottom - it scrolls awfully fast to keep up.
Any help, much appreciated. Glad to rediscover this excellent game.