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Old June 3rd, 2016, 08:40 PM
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Default Issue setting ranges in scenario

I'm attempting to build my first scenario.

Purchased units (won't say what kind other than they are inf types) with their ranges set during deployment are insisting at firing on opposing inf types beyond the range set. Other inf units in the area with ranges set during deployment and with what is likely similar LOS on enemy forces seem to follow their firing guidelines.

Any suggestions for how to reign in these misbehaving units that are under computer control?
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Old June 4th, 2016, 02:20 AM
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Default Re: Issue setting ranges in scenario

Yes I can say that this is true. The keyword here is "under computer/AI control". When the battle is setup human vs human, all units retain their set ranges (no OpFire to units beyond that ranges).

When under computer control, it seems the AI fires at its own will on its current turn, i.e not OpFire, despite enemy units beyond set-ranges. And yet when you look at it the ranges-set are still there even after they have fired at will (ranges should be erased after they fired at will).

(I tested using ranges-set in Deployment phase, using Y key. I don't know about ranges set mid-game).


On a side note (maybe another bug):

when you set up a battle using battle generator, set Player 1 as all human controlled, and Player 2 "purchase" & "deploy" as Human controlled but the Player 2 itself still under AI player, and then you play the game (which is still normal, you play as Player 1 and AI as Player 2), and then you save and load the game... this is where it gets interesting, Player 2 is no longer under AI control, you're shown a screen as if its Hotseat play (2 human players). Subsequent turns will also show a screen offering you whether to start Player 2 turn or not. Now, the weirdest thing is: even though you are shown a screen as if Player 2 is human controlled, after you pressed end turn for Player 2, the AI will immediately make its own moves as Player 2 (firing & moving etc) instead of giving Player 1 its due turn.


Attached is a save game (slot Auto-saved game):

(All units Russian & US have their ranges set at 50 meters, I don't change them whatsoever mid-game). Just press End Turn and you'll see the problems I described above. Note Russian unit B1 has fired at will on US unit (on the previous Russian turn), yet still retain its 50-meter range.
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File Type: zip Saved Game.zip (40.3 KB, 163 views)
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Old June 7th, 2016, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: Issue setting ranges in scenario

It effects the level of satisfaction one gets when trying to craft a scenario to be played against the AI and it fires willy nilly; i.e. ineffectively thus disclosing its units positions, when given the reins.
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Old June 8th, 2016, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: Issue setting ranges in scenario

Use the OpFire filter that works.
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