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Old April 27th, 2016, 01:21 PM

IronDuke99 IronDuke99 is offline
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Default EU v NATO

I hope the people who run this discussion forum will forgive me for this, but many leaders in the EU, often non-elected, want the EU to supplant NATO (indeed recent statements in the UK by the outgoing US President might even seem to support this nonsense) and become a basically anti-democratic Super State.

Broadly speaking 'The West' is the US, UK, western and central Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The EU is totally failing, both in terms of its central currency, the Euro (that, thankfully, the UK is not in) and in terms of controlling its external borders and its immigration policy. The EU is not growing economically, but it is letting in millions of followers of Islam from North Africa, the Arab world, Africa and further afield.

Most of these people are not genuine refugees from the war in Syria, most of them are not families. Most of them are young single men and most of them are economic migrants, not real refugees. A few of them are terrorists.

In June UK people get to vote to leave or stay in the EU. If UK leaves NATO may yet be saved, if UK votes to stay, both UK, as a real independent nation, and NATO are probably doomed.

This is not, at all, minor stuff. French Generals are, on the one hand, writing papers about the EU taking over NATO roles and, on the other working out how the French military can enter and control Islamic Ghettos within France if they have to. Meanwhile some German political types are openly saying that Germans being a minority in their own country might be a good thing, I kid you not.

All of this, to anyone but a total idiot, is a recipe for 'civil' war.

Now I happen to believe that Great Britain should avoid the worst of this by voting to leave the EU disaster in June.

Game designers please note...

It is not just me: Here is Lord Owen, former Labour and Social Democrat political type, on this subject at the Royal United Services Institute where traditionally British Admirals, Generals and Air Marshals, and political types, argue their corner...


Last edited by IronDuke99; April 27th, 2016 at 01:34 PM..
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Old April 27th, 2016, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: EU v NATO

And this is political discussion, which these forums are not the place for. There are other places for that.

Now, if you were making up a user campaign of EU vs NATO (for whatever contrived reason) as a "what if" then that would be on topic.
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Old April 27th, 2016, 03:49 PM
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Default Re: EU v NATO

Yes more and more of your posts resemble political speeches or lectures and this is the second time Andy has warned you there will NOT be a third.

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Old April 28th, 2016, 11:15 AM

IronDuke99 IronDuke99 is offline
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Default Re: EU v NATO

Okay and fair enough. I will take a look at doing a US/UK v EU scenario...
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Old April 29th, 2016, 01:29 AM
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Default Re: EU v NATO

Hey I recently had the Soviets invade northern Norway in 1962 as a scenario, the reason for the Cuban Crisis were, and are, irrelevant. Take any situation you can foresee as being possible (or even fun ... Don's zombies Nazi's for instance) and go with it.
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