I bought it and returned it already. I loved the graphics, the missions and the atmosphere. But what I could NOT stand was the 'damage model'. The enemy troops routinely take up to 3-4 hits from a Garand to kill....And THAT is just damned silly.
At long ranges, I can handle it as it can simulate misses and near misses etc, but my final straw with the game was as follows:
I am not one to save and restart often cuz I like a tense game where being killed means I screwed up and have to restart. I entered the mission (on Hard, and on Medium...it only really seems to affect the amount of damage the PLAYER can take) and picked off lots of nasty-Nazis. In the process, I died a number of times and restarted etc. Well, my final time, I was down to my Last handful of hit points and I run around the corner and flat into a German...I shoot him with the Garand, see the 'hit' animation, he turns towards me....I shoot him again, and again, I see the 'hit' animation...my gun clicks empty...uh-oh...I am shot and killed....by a guy that I just shot TWICE in the torso at under 2 meters by a M1 Garand....
Umm...no thanx. For all of the glorified battlefields and scenery etc, its just a disguised Doom IMO. If they ever release a 'realism mod' (and I'm sure someone will...), I'll prolly pick it back up again. Until then, it will remain safely off my hard drive where I will not be tempted to send my PC rocketing out the 3rd floor window from Nazis who should be dead shooting me!