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Old September 16th, 2013, 06:03 PM

Andrew.Hope Andrew.Hope is offline
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Default Adding Some Difficulty

Thought it might make a good idea for a thread, though quite often I find the AI needs no extra help. What little things do you do to give yourself a bit of a challenge? There are obvious things like beefing up the enemy's caliber in preferences, but what else do you like to do?

One of my ideas (although it only works for Germany ans Russia) that I do is I have a rule in Long Campaigns where I can only Fix a tank after the battle if the damage is in the single digits. If 10 or more, I must replace it, and with a captured tank. So if I lose three platoons of Panzer IIIs in a heavy battle in the first battle against Russia, I have to replace them in my core with 7TPs, S-35s, H-39s, etc.

This is one of the reasons I really hope we can get more captured kit added to OOBs in the future, for all armies.

So do you have any rules like this? Anything you do to make the battle a bit tougher?
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Old September 16th, 2013, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

One "Trick", again in a long campaign, is to not upgrade to the latest kit (newly available tank, up gunned version, etc) until you lose the old ones in combat or change theatres (ie end of N. africa campaign).

This means that for Gemany, for example, you may still be battling on with outclassed PzIII when PzIVf/g, etc are available.

Also try using lower quality troops - Rather than SS, paras, Guards, etc use "Police" units, Home Guard, reservists, etc - lower morale and experience modifiers and older kit.

A third option is to intentionally not take some of the "essential" components of a combined arms force - ie no FO, or "forget" adequate AAA.

Judicious placement of Victory Hexes can help (try a delay battle where some, or all, of the VH are beyond your start line - meaning you have to move to take up ambush positions etc)

Just a few methods - looking forward to seeing more input from others
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Old September 17th, 2013, 05:37 PM

zastava128 zastava128 is offline
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

I have a rule to never use Z-fire against the AI.

Somewhat similar to using low quality troops - try playing an underdog, like one of the minor Axis nations (and refrain from overloading on German equipment!). Taking on the Soviets using Hungarian tanks is a very different story than using German panzers...
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Old September 18th, 2013, 07:55 PM
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

Originally Posted by zastava128 View Post
I have a rule to never use Z-fire against the AI.
Good one!
As the AI will never z-fire.
I may use it once or twice in battle myself,(to discover hidden units that fires on me) but not excessively.

Here's one,don't bulk up on artillery,keep it comparable(say 5-10%) to the force value you have.
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Old September 20th, 2013, 10:27 AM
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

Try setting the AIAdjustpercent ratio to say 120 for 120% more enemy.

Or, play an "underdog" country - Italy for example needs an experienced player IMHO. Or another minor Axis like Romania or Hungary - and don't cherry pick the few tigers/panthers they only had a dozen of, if such are available late war.

If Germans are your forte - then take a third-line force and keep to the old recycled captured junk they had. Only 75mm field guns for arty, the Marders at best for AT work (Hetzer at a stretch late war) and so on and so forth, an Ost-inf company in your core, whatever. Tow your flak/mortars/arty with horses, too!

Naturally - you can do the same for a Russian force, or start a campaign as USA with the "green" infantry companies.

Basically, limit yourself by keeping away from the "kewl" stuff.

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Old September 22nd, 2013, 07:26 AM
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

As others have said stay away from the best gear or choose the underdog, you can set up the battle & run it 3 or 4 times with the AI set to buy your stuff to see what should be a reasonable mix of units.

If you want a few nice toys & its a largish battle set them up in reserve near the map edge as quasi reinforcements, cant move till turn 10 or some such then have them come to the rescue.

On the first turn or two do nothing in meeting engagements, let the AI go first.
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 10:55 AM

Jake77 Jake77 is offline
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

Don't use ammo reloads, "fast call spots" or spotter planes, since the AI doesn't either.

When advancing reduce game length and increase value of victory hexes and move some of them further back. You'll have to choose whether to rush or be cautious and take the marginal victory.

Don't use minefields.

Only buy aux FO so your call times are always 2-4 turns. Don't call arty with A0.

Sometimes in a campaign one (or more) of my companies might "get lost". Deploy on the grey map border to play an understrength battle.
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

If you have the full game and you are advancing or assaulting the AI, then use timed objectives so you can't be leisurely regarding your attack since the AI will be getting additional victory points while you dither about.
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

Only purchase a historical OOB.

Use one of the OOB sites, like:


one infantry battalion
Supported by:
one armoured company/squadron
one light or medium artillery battery (only one FO)

As for captured kit, I only let myself buy a captured 'trophy' vehicle if I actually captured one in a previous battle (it was abandoned/damaged and was behind my lines by the end of the battle). I can only buy the exact model.

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Old September 22nd, 2013, 03:58 PM

Ts4EVER Ts4EVER is offline
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Default Re: Adding Some Difficulty

It's why I usually choose to have supply points quite limited in the campaigns I design. They should be a limited resource.
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