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Old March 14th, 2013, 02:37 PM

stevesandidge stevesandidge is offline
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Default spww2 error "saved game won't load"

about half way thru the scenerio menu 330 sumthing its starts that all the way to the end. its also doing it on spmbt as well.
anybody got any ideas? i unistalled and re-installed it to no avail on both of em.
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Old March 14th, 2013, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

If you want help with this you're going to have to do better than "scenario menu 330 sumthing "

What EXACT scenario number does that start in both games ?

What version of the game(s) are you playing and how did you patch it ?

If this the free DL version of the CD version ?

Have you looked in the Scenarios folder to check if there are all three files required to run a scenario ?? ( .CMT / .DAT / .TXT

What this sounds like is it was patched from V1 before the new consolidation patch and you missed a patch or two and you are missing .DAT files but that answer doesn't explain why you obviously have the .CMT's or you wouldn't see sceanrio names OR perhaps you are running Win7 or worse, Vista and you tried to installed them under program files as either of those two OS's will happily install things like .DAT files in places the game cannot read them ???


Last edited by DRG; March 14th, 2013 at 04:09 PM..
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Old March 17th, 2013, 02:19 PM

stevesandidge stevesandidge is offline
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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

ok scn 337 on spww2 and scn 114 on spmbt. and yes i am running vista.
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Old March 17th, 2013, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

What about the other questions ??

...and are you installed in Program files or outside of it ??

.....have you looked in the Scenarios folder to check if there are all three files required to run a scenario ?? ( .CMT / .DAT / .TXT

The most common reason a scenario gives " Saved game failed to load " is it cannot find the files so the thing to do is, since you are running Vista and IF you are installed under program files is to re-install the game under C:/ then install the new consolidation patch and I am 99.99% certain your problem will be solved.

If you are NOT installed under program files and you have NOT run the consolidation patch then what has probably happened is you misdirected some of the patches.

Either way, start again, make sure the game goes into C: and NOT PROGRAM FILES then run the consolidation patch and you'll be up and running the game 100% like everyone else

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Old March 17th, 2013, 04:11 PM
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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

Make sure you have read the sticky thread " Windows Vista and Windows Seven Installation" at the top of the forum before installing to those operating systems.

The latest release (using the consolidated patch) now has a default path outside of the /program files/ hierarchy to ensure this, but if you used the old ones, it was defaulted to point to the normal program files that worked up to Windows XP.

Look at the path your installers are pointing to - if it is program files, then change it to the path recommended in the sticky thread.

You don't say if you are manually attempting to save the game, or if the message is coming from the auto-save to slot 0 the game does itself at each end turn. However since your problem seems to start half way through the scenario then it is unlikely to be the auto-save process itself that is at fault. If you had installed to the wrong path, it would have been complaining from the start...

In which case - your hard disk may well be corrupted, so it is always best to run the normal Windows disk maintenance utilities to fix any lost clusters etc. and if necessary, do a full surface test when any programmes start to give file I/O type errors.

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Old March 18th, 2013, 04:40 AM

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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

Andy, I think "half way thru the scenerio menu" is supposed to mean that the problem occurs with scenarios with high numbers; not halfway through playing a scenario.
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Old March 18th, 2013, 12:04 PM
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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

Yes, I believe that is what he is saying and why I suggest the game has not been patched correctly. Before the consolidation patch even if someone with VISTA did move his game outside program files he also had to remember to change to the new location for every patch..... forget one and you have sceanrios missing but VISTA didn't like .DAT files depending on the version and how it was set up it would move them where IT wanted them to be but the game doesn't know where they are but they are NOT in the /Scenario folder but VISTA would happily put the .CMT files that gave the scenario name in the correct place.

The end result is there is a complete listing of scenarios but they won't load because there is no .DAT file to read becasue VISTA put the .DAT files someplace else

If anyone has Vista install the game OUTSIDE of program files then re patch with the new consolidation patch pointed at the new game location and everything will work properly. The problem here is not the games fault it's the way Vista handles files and once you understand how it handles files you can deal with the problem and that's what we have here

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Old March 24th, 2013, 11:37 AM

stevesandidge stevesandidge is offline
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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

ok just installed per the new method, and am about to do the patch, but have a q....i am installing the cd ver, does it require all the previous patchs also or can i go straight to ver 5?
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Old March 24th, 2013, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: spww2 error "saved game won't load"

You install the consolodation patch found HERE that has all the previous patches rolled in. If you want to install all of the old originals then you MUST install every one of them in the order they where released. as has been the practice all along

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