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Old January 9th, 2002, 03:47 AM
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Default Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Guys and Gals,

Sorry but I have been away for quite awhile on vacation but I got word today that unless something wierd happens the final build for Gold will take place later this week and that this current load will be designated Gold. Okay here is what we have with it back to the patches right after the previous Gold...

Version History for Space Empires IV

Version 1.60:
1. Fixed - In Combat when targeting a planet, ships will move 1 square closer
so they can hit all 4 squares of the planet.
2. Fixed - If you re-loaded a TCP/IP game, and selected that you did not want
to continue it as TCP/IP Host, then when the player ended their
turn the TCP/IP Host window would show up.
3. Fixed - In some circumstances in a simultaneous turn game, the AI would
decide for the player not to move ships into a combat situation.
4. Fixed - In a Simultaneous Turn Game, enemy planets in the same sector would
generate multiple combat reports.
5. Fixed - Weapons which would cause the target ship to move were not showing
the ship movement in the combat replay.
6. Fixed - Sometimes the AI would leave a design strategy blank for a human
player using all of the ministers.
7. Fixed - Improved the sorting of AI defense locations.
8. Changed - Planets can now repeat their orders.
9. Fixed - Setting repeat orders in a Simultaneous game would not always be
changed the next turn.
10. Changed - The TCP/IP Host can now remove an empire before the game starts.
11. Fixed - Emotionless races cannot be induced to riot through intelligence or
natural events.
12. Changed - Updated the Credits.

Version 1.59:
1. Fixed - Drones would not attack when in the same square as their target.
2. Fixed - AI needed to take control of everything when a human player
was switched to computer control.
3. Fixed - In Combat, drop troop ships will go after the enemy planet they
were ordered to attack. If they don't have specific attack orders
then they will attack the planet with the highest population.
4. Fixed - You can now cloak and decloak Groups of selected ships.
5. Fixed - Cloaked drones were not de-cloaking to attack in some situations.
6. Fixed - The Map Editor would not load pictures from mod directories.
7. Fixed - Increased the chance that the AI will ignore an incoming message
if it wants to declare war or break a treaty.
8. Note - In TCP/IP Games, the UDP Messages are sent on Port 6716, and file
streams are sent on Port 6720.
9. Fixed - Cursors and Fonts would not load individually from Mod directories.
10. Fixed - All files in mod directories should now be on an individual basis.
Meaning that you don't need all of the .txt files if the directory is
11. Fixed - In rare cases in Tactical Combat, a player could show twice in the player
list at the top of the window.
12. Fixed - Finally fixed the Highest Allowed Treaty bug.
13. Fixed - Solar generators were not producing any resources in a finite resource
game when the planet had zero resources remaining.
14. Change - Solar generated points are no longer modified by racial advantages,
population happiness, or population amount.

Version 1.58:
1. Fixed - Only warheads of the correct target type will damage targets in
combat that are rammed.
2. Fixed - The AI would accept systems in trade that the offering player did
not own.
3. Fixed - Increased chance for AI to send certain political message types
(like demand surrender).
4. Fixed - Added Drones to the Manual page "Status Icons".
5. Added - Hotkey Shift-A to Tactical Combat to select all available weapons.
6. Added - Hotkey Shift-C to Tactical Combat to de-select all weapons.
7. Fixed - The AI will now decloak its drones before attacking their target.
8. Fixed - The buttons to cloak and decloak are now available for drones.
9. Changed - Added a defense bonus to drones much like small ships.
10. Fixed - If a combat piece was in a fleet it would always use the fleet strategy,
even if it had broken formation.
11. Fixed - Simultaneous Games were still playing out combat in player order. The
defending players should always get to move first.
12. Fixed - If you have the setting "Automatically use Individual Ministers for newly
built vehicles", then any ships captured through intelligence
operations will be set to individual minister control.
13. Fixed - After a combat where multiple ships were selected in the Ship List, some of
them would still have "ghost" orders.
14. Fixed - Drones will no longer "dance" around warp point. They will charge through. If
they get into combat, and their target is not present, they will select new
temporary targets until combat is complete.

Version 1.57:
1. Fixed - "One Turn's Worth" selection should not show during a Multi-Add.
2. Added - Drone Carriers for AIs to use.
3. Fixed - In the Designs window, the list would sometimes be past the bottom
item when switching between tabs.
4. Fixed - The AI would often launch all of its satellites leaving none for the
Satellite layers.
5. Added - More AI settings to control drone and satellite launch.
6. Added - Fields to "Settings.txt" to control whether fighters can be hit by
mines and how much supply they use each turn just sitting still.
7. Fixed - Mines, Satellites, and Drones can self-destruct without a self-destruct
8. Fixed - Mines, Satellites, and Drones can be fired on and destroyed. Only a
ship with direct-fire or seeking weapons can fire on a target and destroy it.
9. Added - Hotkey Shift-A to select all of the ships in the ship list.
10. Added - Hotkey Shift-C to de-select all of the ships in the ship list.
11. Changed - While holding Shift, you can select and deselect ships in the ship list.
12. Fixed - During combat, drones were not getting their full movement upon launch.
13. Fixed - Drones launched during combat were not showing correctly in the combat replay.
14. Added - Setting to control number of fleets AI uses for defense.

Version 1.56:
1. Fixed - Some minor spelling errors in SystemTypes.txt.
2. Fixed - Some picture problems with the new System background pictures.
3. Fixed - Added the Baseship bitmap name as the primary picture for the
baseship vehicle size. This way no changes will be needed if
race styles are already using them.
4. Fixed - TCP/IP Host's chat Messages would dissappear when a message from
a player would come in.
5. Fixed - TCP/IP Player would not receive chat Messages while taking his
6. Fixed - A TCP/IP Player who quit the game and then restarted before taking
their turn would receive a file load error.
7. Fixed - If a TCP/IP Player reconnected to a game in progress, the message
displayed would incorrectly be "Waiting for all players to connect."
8. Fixed - If a TCP/IP Player reconnected to a game, errors would occur when
the game turn was received.
9. Fixed - Sometimes a disconnected race would not start researching the "Not
Connected" items early enough.
10. Fixed - Mod Folders were requiring that the picture be present.
11. Fixed - Boarding ships would not engage enemy ships even if they had weapons.
12. Fixed - Kamikaze ships were not seeking for fleets to join.
13. Added - Added an "Orders" tab to the Colonies Window.
14. Added - Added a "Multi-Add" button to the Construction Queues window. This will
allow you to add Ships or Units to multiple construction queues at a
15. Fixed - Fixed a problem with combat to-hit chances where the weapon modifier
was being factored in after the total modifier to hit was bounded to
1% or 99%.
16. Fixed - Fixed a problem where chains of partnership treaties would not allow
all players to see with all other players sight. A->B, B->C = A->C.
17. Changed - Increased the default fighter launch group size to 10.

Version 1.55:
1. Fixed - The text for the Weapon Platform and Satellite weapon
mounts did not say anything about their extended range.
2. Fixed - Generating multiple quadrants when starting a game would
sometimes cause a crash.
3. Changed - Changed the VehicleSize.txt file so that each vehicle
size has a primary and alternate bitmap.
4. Changed - Added a to-hit bonus for weapon platform weapon mounts.
5. Changed - Increased the possible range of Facility Family from
1 - 64000 in Facility.txt.
6. Added - You can now clear the orders for all selected ships.
7. Fixed - All Drones with the same orders should move together
in a group.
8. Changed - Drones now get their full movement immediately upon launch.
9. Fixed - The General.bmp was missing from the patch. This included
a new drone icon for cargo.
10. Fixed - Drones should not be able to have self-destruct devices.
11. Added - New fields in Settings.txt to set the random range of starting
computer and neutral players.
12. Fixed - An error would occur if you were a player with a number greater
than 10, and you were trying to change cargo in the combat
13. Fixed - Sometimes the game would report that a player order file could
not be found in a simultaneous game.
14. Changed - Increased the maximum value of System Types in the
QuadrantTypes.txt file to 300.
15. Fixed - AI would design mine sweepers when it didn't have the mine
sweeping component.
16. Fixed - TCP/IP Host problem where a reconnecting client would be listed
17. Fixed - TCP/IP Host problem where a reconnecting client would not be
notified that they had reconnected successfully.
18. Added - Sounds to the TCP/IP Host when a player connects or disconnects.
19. Changed - TCP/IP Host must wait until all players have submitted their
empire files before the host can add its own empires.
20. Fixed - TCP/IP Player cannot set his empire to computer control.
21. Fixed - TCP/IP Host gets a more specific message that they can only add one
empire at a time to the game.
22. Fixed - TCP/IP Host's "Remove Empire" button changes its text to
"Toggle Empire AI On/Off" after the first turn.
23. Fixed - TCP/IP Host can toggle an empire between AI and human control.
24. Fixed - TCP/IP Host would be in the wrong state after the host canceled
processing the turn because of a missing player file.
25. Fixed - TCP/IP Player would sometimes get Access Violations when it
received Messages while a player was taking their turn.
26. Fixed - TCP/IP Chat Messages are no longer lost when you take your turn.

Version 1.54:
1. Fixed - The AI Neutral files had not been modified with the new
settings, and were causing errors when they were loaded
for a neutral's turn.
2. Added - Confirmation dialogs when you quit as a TCP/IP Host or
TCP/IP Player.
3. Fixed - When a TCP/IP player quits a game, the host will have a
status for that player of "Quit".
4. Fixed - If a TCP/IP player reconnects to a game, they will not
make a second line in the list.
5. Added - Added a sound effect when a chat message is received.
6. Added - Confirmation dialog when you try to process a turn as the
TCP/IP Host.
7. Changed - The TCP/IP Host can only add one empire at a time.
8. Fixed - List index out of bounds error when a TCP/IP Host quit a
game in progress and then started a new one.
9. Fixed - Progress bar window would stay open when a TCP/IP Host
did not want to continue processing after the game could
not find a missing player order file.
10. Added - The TCP/IP Host can now remove an empire from the game
before it begins, or change an empire to AI control during
a game.
11. Fixed - TCP/IP Host can add AI controlled empires.
12. Fixed - TCP/IP Host can create empires while players create their
13. Fixed - TCP/IP Player could not cancel out of creating an empire.
14. Fixed - If the TCP/IP Host added more than one empire, sometimes
their pictures would be mixed up.
15. Added - Added Combo boxes to the TCP/IP Player window.
16. Fixed - The SE4 Map Editor would error if you regenerated the quadrant
and there were less systems then previously.
17. Added - Added some new system types.

Version 1.53:
1. Fixed - When the AI first developed Quantum Reactor technology,
it did not always create new designs for its ships.
2. Fixed - All drones would launch even if you selected "Launch 1".
3. Fixed - Seeker launch sounds were not playing in Tactical Combat
or the Combat Simulator.
4. Fixed - The Ionic Pulse Missile did not have a sound effect.
5. Changed - The AI will completely redesign all of its ships on turns
1, 20, and 40.
6. Fixed - Drones will not choose seekers or fighters as targets in
7. Fixed - Empire files were missing the Drone Attack strategy.
(New Empire files thanks to Philipp Kullmann)
8. Fixed - Fighter Groups were not getting bonuses from racial
9. Added - Added more empire settings to the AI_Settings.txt file.
10. Fixed - When marking a design as obsolete, the view on the list
would jump back up to the top.
11. Added - New sound effects! You can use either the new sound
effects or the classic sounds effects by selecting the
setting in the Options window.

Version 1.52:
1. Fixed - Ships were firing on their own in Tactical Combat.
2. Fixed - Drone design warning was saying "Must have 1 bridge."
3. Fixed - When the AI generates an empire, it was not using all of
the racial points from characteristics. The AI will now
purchase characteristics first, then advanced traits.
4. Fixed - You were unable to add drones to the combat simultator.
5. Fixed - If a cloaked minesweeper is about to enter a sector with
a known minefield, it will decloak.
6. Changed - Decreased the size of the Shield Regenerator V to 20kT.
7. Fixed - The player order was incorrect in combat during a
simultaneous play game.
8. Changed - Increased Asteroids starting value. Also added these values
to the Settings.txt file.
9. Fixed - Updated the Map Editor so it will work with current maps.
This should also fix the Ruins problem.
10. Changed - Improved the sound effects.
11. Fixed - Drones were not showing up in the Combat Replay.
12. Changed - Reduced costs for Ringworld and Sphereworld components.
13. Fixed - AI would propose treaties at a higher level than its
"Highest Allowed Treaty" setting.
14. Added - Added a setting to Settings.txt which allows drones to
not be effected by mines.
15. Changed - Smart Bombs can now be placed on Ships, Bases, Satellites,
and Drones.

Version 1.51:
1. Fixed - It was possible for the Purchasing Minister to take a
very long time to finish.
2. Fixed - Recon Satellites were being miscounted by the AI for
use by its scripts.
3. Fixed - In certain cases, the Ai would not move a minesweeper
to a minefield because of the "Don't move through mine
fields" Empire Option.
4. Fixed - AI would research Mines a bit too much when they
encountered the first minefield.
5. Changed - Weapon Platforms and Satellites now get a range bonus
on their weapon mounts like bases get.
6. Fixed - When the AI first developed Shield technology, it did
not always create new designs for its ships.
7. Fixed - The TCP/IP Player should show an error if it cannot
connect to the host even if the host is on this
8. Fixed - The TCP/IP Player can only add one empire to the game.
9. Fixed - In the TCP/IP Host window, if the host cancels his
login to play a turn, the game should not end.
10. Fixed - Made the TCP/IP host a bit more lenient on player drops.
If you're dropped, you can reconnect and rejoin the game
(using the same player name). However, to get resynched
with the game, you'll just have to wait till the host
sends the turn file out again (you'll miss a turn).
11. Fixed - Minor manual text fixes.
12. Fixed - When starting a new TCP/IP Host game, all order files
for the selected game name will be deleted.
13. Fixed - On the TCP/IP Player window, when the chat button was
pressed the focus would not be set to the Chat Message
14. Added - When all of the player order files have been received
by the TCP/IP Host, a sound will be played and the
game will un-minimize itself.
15. Fixed - If a vehicle could not recover a unit, the wrong name
was displayed.
16. Fixed - Point Blank strategy ships in combat would move to the
opposite side of the target from where they were.
17. Fixed - There was a bug in the fonts that would cause >> to
be displayed in Messages.
18. Fixed - Newly launched units weren't always having their
individual minister turned on if the automatic setting
was set.
19. Added - Drones. The manual pages on Units have been updated.
20. Added - A DataFileHistory.txt file which describes the data file
changes we've made in each Version.

Version 1.50:
1. Note - Gold Version.

Version 1.49:
1. Fixed - Reseting a player's password wouldn't take in certain

Version 1.48:
1. Fixed - Reseting a player's password would cause a crash when
the host processed the turn.
2. Fixed - Added a bit more randomness to the reset password.
3. Fixed - The Scrap window's ship list would jump to the top after
an order was executed.
4. Fixed - The prevent AI use during Simultaneous games option was
not fully preventative.
5. Fixed - Minor text problems in the AI Speech script.
6. Fixed - Improved the AI's ability to decide whether to attack or
7. Fixed - You cannot open a warp point into the same system that it
originates from.
8. Fixed - Designs loaded with an empire will have their values
recomputed with the current game. Designs which are not
valid for the current game will not be loaded.
9. Added - Added a selection of whether you wish to save your designs
with your empire when you save your empire.
10. Changed - Changed the AI strategy for satellites and weapon platforms.

Version 1.47:
1. Changed - Combat has been changed such that order of player's
movement is random. In addition, defenders will be placed
at the front of the player list so that they get to move
2. Added - When the host logs in to a game, he can go to the Game Options
window where there is now a "Reset Passwords" button. The host
can select which empires he wants to have their passwords reset.
The new password is displayed to the host and a message is sent in
the log to the player informing him that his password was reset.
The host needs to give the new password to the player for their
next turn. A host should perform any password resets before
processing the turn.
3. Fixed - In a Simultaneous Game, sometimes the Replay All Ship Movement
would cause a crash.
4. Fixed - Hitting return now works on the Player Login screen.
5. Fixed - The Designs List window will no longer jump to the top if you
mark a ship as obsolete and can view obsolete ships.
6. Fixed - Resorting on the Colonies or Ships Window with the large rows
showing would sometimes result in rows of incorrect height.
7. Fixed - Spaceborne units were not counted in statistics when scrapped,
self-destructed, or fired on.
8. Fixed - Missing a space before the empire name in a message about intel

Version 1.46:
1. Fixed - Problem where a race style used from a mod directory was
not being used when the game was re-loaded.
2. Changed - Removed the application of the maximum units per player
rule while in combat. This means that you can launch as many
fighters as you like during combat. However, the maximum
units per player rule stilly applies to non-combat unit
3. Fixed - Wrong description used when scuttling units because of
not paying maintenance.
4. Fixed - Fleet Transfer Window would reset the Vehicles in Sector
window to the top each time a ship was moved.
5. Changed - Decreased the rate at which fleet experience increases.
6. Changed - Decreased the amount of experience gained from killing fighters
and mines.
7. Fixed - Description for Afterburners was not correct.
8. Fixed - You should be able to give colonize orders to a ship even if there
is a population on the planet.
9. Fixed - Population Transport Minister was not taking population to planets
with zero population.
10. Fixed - The Construction Minister would sometimes build troops and weapon
platforms not on a planet.
11. Fixed - AI would sometimes try to attack enemy minefields.
12. Fixed - The AI could sometimes initiate combat against a minefield in a
simultaneous game.
13. Fixed - Ship Groups would sometimes start on top of each other in combat.
14. Fixed - Ground Combat was experiencing some problems with the changes for
one side to hit another.
15. Fixed - Some units would have their statistics changed during a combat

Version 1.45:
1. Changed - In the beta patch Version, the startup message will not be
displayed if the -nd command line option is used.
2. Note - Medical Bays will cure plagues on your planets or planets of
your allies (Military Alliance or better).
3. Added - A delay factor to Settings.txt to slow down the movement of
ships on the System Window.
4. Added - A new set of fonts by Andr�s Lescano which add international
character support to the existing fonts.
5. Fixed - AI Research will now follow the "Tech Area Min Percent".
6. Fixed - Ruins were not being placed if the map was generated in the
Game Setup window.
7. Added - The System Gravitational Shield now prevents warp points closing
within the system. This prevents warp points closing into or
out of the system by all players (including you!).
8. Fixed - You should be able to view and clear the orders of minefields or
satellite Groups.
9. Fixed - Self-Destruct of satellites and mines was not working in simultaneous
turn games.
10. Fixed - A log message should be generated when a ship self-destructs or is
fired on and destroyed.
11. Fixed - Resource Production and Space Combat racial modifiers were not working

Version 1.44:
1. Fixed - The command line option to use a Mod Path was not working.
2. Added - Access to the Autosave options under the main Options window.
3. Fixed - Intelligence Window would ask if you wanted to delete a blank
intelligence project.
4. Fixed - Screen wouldn't refresh after a Surrender message was sent.
5. Added - The System Gravitational Shield now prevents warp point opening
within the system. This prevents warp point opening into or
out of the system by all players (including you!).
6. Fixed - Ships were not showing up in the correct portion of the combat map
at the start of combat.
7. Fixed - Neutral players would sometimes leave their home systems.
8. Fixed - Unit Groups would display their shields and hit points incorrectly
at times during combat. Now, unit Groups will only show their
maximum hit points and maximum shields during combat for the units
that are alive.

Version 1.43:
1. Fixed - Problem with multiplayer data file verification.
2. Added - Added more message during a simultaneous game explaining why a ship
did not launch or recover its units.
3. Fixed - Problem where the Designs Window would error upon loading.
4. Fixed - A neutral on a planet which picked a specific style would cause an
error if that style was not present when the game was loaded.
5. Fixed - If an event caused a planet to explode, then sometimes an error would
be generated.
6. Fixed - Sometimes the next player in a hotseat game could give orders to the
previous player's ships.
7. Changed - The AI ministers controlling a human player will never surrender.
8. Fixed - Sometimes the game would not ask you if you wanted to attack when
your ships moved into the same square as enemy ships.
9. Changed - Spaced out large Groups of ships in combat a bit more when starting.
10. Fixed - General speedups for combat.
11. Fixed - Sometimes your ships would not fire on a planet because you had a troop
transport present carrying troops but it didn't have the Capture Planet

Version 1.42:
1. Fixed - Crashing bug when processing a simultaneous game turn.
2. Added - Flag to use the old style of Log Political Message display. Some people
experienced the problem that their screen would go crazy when a political
message was displayed in the Log Window. Usually, changing the screen
resolution, color depth, or installing new drivers would fix the problem.
But in case they don't, we added this flag so that those players could
change the setting "Use Old Log Political Message Display" in the Settings.txt
file to TRUE. This will display communication message in the old manner
with no possiblity of scrolling the message.
3. Fixed - Crashing bug when a warp point had already been closed and another ship
tried to close it with the same orders in a simultaneous game.
4. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Combat would often occur too many times. Now it will only
occur one per sector per phase if a ship executed orders in that location.
5. Fixed - After a ship with a spaceyard was retrofitted to not have a spaceyard,
sometimes its construction details would still show on its report.
6. Fixed - Emissive armor should be working correctly now.
7. Fixed - Sometimes the combat replay would fail if a star was involved.
8. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Colonizers at the same location would not follow orders
to colonize given in the Planets window.
9. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: The Planet window does not need to close when giving
colonize orders.
10. Changed - Added text to the Scrap window stating that ships in a fleet must be separated
from the fleet before any of the actions can be performed. The list in the
window no longer displays any ships that are in a fleet.
11. Fixed - Sometimes when a colonizer would colonize a planet, not all of the population
in its cargo would be dropped to the planet.
12. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Adding the "Use Component" order would clear all previous
orders for a ship.
13. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Using Emergency Propulsion Pods would not always work correctly.
Please note: You want to use the emergency propulsion pods at the beginning of the
turn in a simulatenous game (your first orders before moving). Since these pods
actually increase your speed during phased movement, if you try to use them at the
end, you may not actually get the remaining movement points.
14. Changed - You cannot repair an Emergency Propulsion Pod or an Emergency Resupply Pod without
a space yard being present.
15. Fixed - Problem with AI Design creation where the game would lockup when an AI was trying
to add the desired number of engines to a design but couldn't.
16. Added - Added a message when your counter-intelligence project successfully defeats an
attack. (This attack will cause the progress of the counter-intelligence project
to be put back.)
17. Fixed - All Counter-Intelligence projects were being cleared when an attack came in. So
only the first attack would be defeated, and then all others would get through
that turn.
18. Fixed - A few minor memory leaks.
19. Fixed - Added some protections against multiplayer cheaters.
20. Fixed -

Version 1.41:
1. Note - Patch Release Version

Version 1.40:
1. Fixed - Statistics for a design would not be updated if a ship of that design
was given away during a trade.
2. Changed - Increased the shields and decreased the cost of the Massive Planetary
Shield Generator.
3. Fixed - Ground Combat: Only troops and population should show in ground combat.
4. Fixed - Ground Combat: Damage would grow in excess of the actual each turn.
5. Fixed - Ground Combat: The close button should be disabled until combat is complete.
6. Fixed - The Solar Sail description should say that only one works per ship.
7. Fixed - The AI will sometimes trade for technology he doesn't need or can't use.
8. Fixed - The Create Planet minister would send all ships to the same location.
9. Fixed - The Scrap Window should show all ships sorted by name.
10. Fixed - The retrofit in simultaneous games would not always work correctly.

Version 1.39:
1. Fixed - System Gravitational Shield Facility was not working.
2. Added - Added “Stop Star Destroyer” ability to System Gravitational Shield facility.
3. Fixed - Pressing the E key in combat would sometimes cause a crash or an End Combat
dialog too soon.
4. Changed - Minimum maintenance cost for any empire is 5%.
5. Fixed - Error when loading a game with a map which had more than 255 starting points.
6. Fixed - Starting points in maps were not being cleared upon load. This would
eventually cause a crash in any game that was started from a map which had
starting points.
7. Fixed - With Omnipresent View selected, cloaked ships would not be shown correctly
when a ship with sensors was present in the system.
8. Fixed - Successful intelligence defense would sometimes result in you having intel
defense projects more accomplished then when they started.
9. Fixed - The Close Warp Point component was not using supplies when activated.
10. Added - Added command line option for specifying the mod path.

Command Line Options:

Se4.exe "[Savegame path]" "[Password]" "[Player Number]" "[Mod path]" -nd

[Savegame Path] = Exact path to the savegame file.
[Game Password] = Either the game password if this is the host processing the turn, or
the players password if you want to launch directly into a player’s turn.
[Player Number] = The specific player number you wish to launch into, or 0 if this is
the host processing the turn.
[Mod path] = Override to the directory specified in the Path.txt file (this should
just be the directory name of the mod, exactly what’s in Path.txt).
You can leave this blank to just use the setting found in the Path.txt
-nd = Optional flag which indicates if any error dialogs should be displayed
during the turn processing if an error occurs.

Note: To leave an option blank, just put two parenthesis with a space between them.

Host processing the turn, with no dialogs.
Se4.exe "c:\program files\shrapnel games\malfador machination\space empires
iv\savegame\BigMulti.gam" "Master" "0" " " -nd

Player wants to launch directly into their game.
Se4.exe "c:\se4\savegame\mygame.gam" "mypass" "1" " "

Host wants to process a turn with an alternate mod path, and have dialogs be displayed.
Se4.exe "c:\se4\savegame\supergame.gam" "master" "0" "c:\se4\mydata"

Version 1.38:
1. Added - You can now hold the Shift key in the Select Package window to
add or remove resources at a rate of 10,000 per click.
2. Fixed - Spelling error in "Energy Dampner".
3. Fixed - AI was not following the "Maximum maintenance Percent of
Revenue" line correctly.
4. Fixed - The AI would still try to construct a unit design even if there
was no space for it anywhere in the galaxy, and would not move on
down the list of designs to purchase.
5. Fixed - The AI would often upgrade all of its facilities even when it didn't
really have the money to do so.
6. Fixed - Remove the extra "Weapon display" line for the Tractor Beam II.
7. Fixed - When a race accepts a subjugation treaty, all of its other existing
treaties will be broken, and all of those players will be notified.
8. Fixed - Re-fixed the problem with the Low Supply icon on fighter Groups.
9. Fixed - Fixed bug where non-cloaked defenders in an obscuring storm would
not battle visible enemies moving through the sector.
10. Note - If you turn on the Resupply Minister, it will give orders to any and
all ships, regardless of their individual minister setting.

Version 1.37:
1. Changed - Increased cost to retrofit.
2. Added - Command Line option -nd (which should be placed at the very end
of the line) which will prevent any display of dialogs.
3. Added - Exit Code when running the exe from the command line.
0 - Successful.
1 - Invalid Master Password.
2 - Invalid Player Password.
4. Fixed - When downsizing a ship using retrofit, the number of damaged
components display might show too high a number.
5. Fixed - Allegiance Converters should not work against ships with
Master Computers.
6. Fixed - All designs in the Designs Window are now listed sorted by name.
7. Fixed - Small fighter Groups would show the out of supply icon even
at 100% fuel.
8. Fixed - If a planet was destroyed in combat, all the units that were
housed on the planet would not be showed as killed in the
design statistics.
9. Fixed - Swept mines were not being added to the killed statistics.
10. Fixed - A player would not receive enemy fighter designs if the designs
were housed on a planet during combat.
11. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: The protector in a protectorate treaty would
often not store any resources.
12. Fixed - Rare Access Violation when Host is processing a turn.
13. Fixed - Added a fix for the garbled log message display even though unable
to repeat.
14. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Changing the colony type would not take effect after
a turn was processed.

Version 1.36:
1. Fixed - Map Editor: Access Violation when you tried to edit a
planet after deleting one.
2. Fixed - Map Editor: After saving a planet with a name that does
not end in a roman numeral, the next time you tried to
add a planet in the same system, you would get a Range
Check Error.
3. Fixed - Map Editor: Removed systems names from the combo box that
are already in use.
4. Fixed - Occasional driver or VxD errors when using the Resolve
Combat feature.
5. Fixed - Compiling a turn from the command line was not working.
6. Fixed - Fighter Groups were getting a cumulative offfense and
defense modifier.
7. Fixed - Sometimes fighters would not fire on targets if their first
weapon could not target the remaining enemy pieces.
8. Fixed - A target planet in the combat simulator would show the wrong
player's population bars.
9. Fixed - Long Messages to other players would get cut off in the Log
10. Fixed - When a new empire is created by rebelling from an old one,
the new empire would have all of the log Messages from the
old empire.

Version 1.35:
1. Fixed - Map Editor: Empires that began at starting points on planets
would use the atmosphere of the planet. Now, if an empire starts
at a starting point with a planet, the planet will be changed to
be the same size but match the atmosphere of the empire.
2. Fixed - Invalid Index if you try to reorder an empty queue in the Set
Construction Queue window.
3. Fixed - Improved fighter launch speed during combat, yet again.
4. Fixed - Improved speed of AI processing.
5. Fixed - Sometimes a ship will not be available for selection in the
Fleet Transfer Window (even though its not part of a fleet).
6. Changed - Small Cluster Bombs, Small Rocket Pods, and Small Graviton
Beams can only be used by fighters.
7. Changed - Increased the damage from the Small Graviton Beam.
8. Fixed - Units total in the Score window was not counting units in space.

Version 1.34:
1. Fixed - Map Editor: Added "Remove Starting Point" button.
2. Fixed - Tech Area file would not load correctly if a tech area
with multiple requirements came first.
3. Fixed - Minefield tags would not be removed on the turn that you swept
the Last mine.
4. Fixed - Simultaneous Games: Combat would execute multiple times even if
the ships did not fight.
5. Changed - Increased the values from Combat Sensors by 5%.

Version 1.33:
1. Fixed - Map Editor: Removed abilities for warp point that are
not currently used in the game.
2. Fixed - Map Editor: Error when value fields are left blank.
3. Added - Map Editor: Added note to ability edit window that values
are specified in the Abilities.txt file.
4. Added - Map Editor: Added button to view the Abilities.txt file.
5. Fixed - Map Editor: Access Violation when editing an ability.
6. Fixed - Map Editor: When deleting an ability, a blank line would
sometimes remain saying "None:".
7. Fixed - Map Editor: Added a message if you try to add a space object
without having selected a sector in the system window.
8. Added - Map Editor: Added a default name for space objects.
9. Fixed - Map Editor: Destroyed Stars would not show a dialog.
10. Added - Map Editor: Added starting points for a map.
Specific Starting Point = When a game is started with that map,
the specific player will start at that location.
Common Starting Point = When a game is started with that map,
any player can be placed at that location.
If a player has a specific starting point, they are placed there.
If not, then they are placed at the next available common starting
point. If there are none, they are randomly placed.
11. Fixed - Changed AI Players to always reload their default strategies upon
loading the game.
12. Fixed - Range check error when tring to view enemy ships in the Designs
13. Fixed - Bug where the "Player Died" window would not be displayed if the
empire died through colonization of a planet with zero population.
14. Fixed - AI Design Name Files were not being used because of the missing
".txt" extension.
15. Fixed - Bits Index Error when you pressed Launch Units while a fighter
group was selected in Tactical Combat.
16. Fixed - Population Minister was ignoring the "Systems to Avoid" settings.
17. Fixed - Retrofit minister would try to retrofit ships carrying cargo.
18. Fixed - Retrofit minister would sometimes try to upgrade to the same design.
19. Fixed - Characteristics in the AI_General.txt file would not be correctly
interpreted if they were less than 100.
20. Fixed - AI was not reading the AI_Strategies.txt file if it was in that
race's directory.
21. Fixed - AI Minelayer minister would continue to try to lay mines at a location
where the max number of mines per sector was already reached.
22. Fixed - Sometimes a ship in combat would have all of its components destroyed
but would not die.
23. Fixed - Fleet bonuses were not always being added to a ship during combat.
(NOTE: Fleet bonuses do not effect fighter or satellite Groups).
24. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Access Violation when the ship moving was killed
in combat.
25. Fixed - Speed up for fighter launch in combat (again).
26. Fixed - Combat modifiers were not always added together but instead were maxed
during combat.
27. Changed - Increased the bonus for Point Defense Weapons.
28. Added - Added a to-hit modifier display in the Add\Edit Design Window.
29. Fixed - ECM did not have the "only 1 component per ship effective" text in its
ability description.
30. Fixed - Map Editor: Added a delete button on the Galaxy Map to delete systems.
31. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: The movement replay would occasionally not play back
with the error that the log date was not correct.

Version 1.32:
1. Fixed - SE4 would lockup during combat if a ship had zero living
units that it tried to launch (they were killed during
2. Fixed - Rare Access Violation when ships were remotely launching
units and one of the ships was killed.
3. Fixed - Rare Range Check Error during combat when a ship took
massive amounts of different types of damage.
4. Fixed - Rare Access Violation when a ship executed destroy star
5. Fixed - Mechandoids were still being effected by plagues at certain
6. Fixed - Added more error checking to the script loaders.
7. Fixed - Fixed a problem in the AI scripts with a misspelling of "Savvy".
8. Fixed - Fixed a naming problem in the AI Design scripts.
9. Fixed - XiChung weren't using Combat Sensors.
10. Fixed - Access Violation when you try to do a Quick Start, then Start
a New Game, then Cancel, then start a Quick Start game again.
11. Added - Got the restrictions on components working.
12. Fixed - Added a restriction of only one component per vehicle to the
Emergency Resupply Pod and the Emergency Propulsion Pod.
13. Changed - Decreased the Shard Cannon reload rate to 1.
14. Changed - Increased all seeker speeds by 1 (thanks to AJCaton).
15. Added - Map Editor: Added Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E, Ctrl-D to the windows to
perform Add, Edit, and Delete.
16. Added - Map Editor: Added Arrow keys and Number Pad keys to move
highlight box in System and Galaxy window.
17. Added - Map Editor: Added the ability name to the ability list.
18. Added - Map Editor: Added a toolbar.
19. Added - Map Editor: Added a save flag.
20. Added - Map Editor: Added coordinate location labels.
21. Fixed - Improved speed during launching of fighters in combat.
22. Fixed - Simultaneous Games: Hide message about player file being out
of date when processing from the command line.
23. Added - Command Line: Added an additional command line argument to
launch directly into a player’s turn.

To launch the game and have the host execute the turn
without any UI, use:
Se4.exe "[path + savegame.gam]" "[game password]"

To launch the game and have it jump right into a player’s
turn use:
Se4.exe "[path + savegame.gam]" "[player password]" "[player number]"

1. This will only work for simultaneous games.
2. Everything listed between and including the brackets is to
be replaced by you.
3. If an item for the command line is empty (such as no password),
just use " " in its place. Be sure there is a space between the quotes.
4. The elements above all have quotes around them for safety reasons.
(Paths that have spaces in them must be wrapped in quotes).

Version 1.31:
1. Added - Added the option "Players can save map during a game" to
game setup. This used to be always allowed, but with the
map editor it would be bad to allow players to save the
map of a game and view it in the map editor.
2. Added - Added a "Save Map" button to the Quadrant tab of the
Game Setup Window.

Version 1.30:
1. Added - Added a "Move Ten" button to the Transfer Cargo and
Unit Transfer windows.
2. Fixed - Stellar Manipulation components were not requiring and
costing supply when used.
3. Fixed - The first race in the race styles directory would rarely
be chosen in a random setup game.
4. Fixed - Access Violation when you selected multiple ships and
pressed the Scrap \ Retrofit order button.
5. Fixed - When a ship is remotely laying units and the max unit per
sector is reached, the warning message is displayed
more than once.

Version 1.29:
1. Changed - Modified damages for Anti-Proton beam and Meson BLaster.
2. Fixed - AI was still trying to colonize planets it couldn't breathe
if the game setup option of "Can Only Colonize Breathable
Atmospheres" was selected.
3. Fixed - Multiple useless combat replay files were being generated
over time.
4. Added - Better sorting to the Construction Queues Window.
5. Fixed - Rare case where the AI would go into an infinite loop
trying to purchase new items.
6. Changed - Changed the "Maximum units per player" back to "Maximum units
(in space) per player".
7. Changed - Changed the default for "Maximum units (in space) per player"
to 1000.
8. Added - Added a "x100000" button to the Resource ConVersion Window.
9. Added - Added a Scrap Facilities button to the Construction Queue

Version 1.28:
1. Changed - Removed most of the restrictions of performing
actions while cloaked. You can now launch and
recover units while cloaked. However, when you
enter into combat, all ships will be decloaked
for the duration of the battle.

Version 1.27:
1. Fixed - In the Ships window, sorting by size is working
a little better, but does not work for fleets.
2. Note - Remote Mining will NOT work on a planet with a
3. Fixed - The AI would design ship using armor that it
didn't have the technology for. This would result
in it not being able to purchase any ships.
4. Change - Another slight modification to the Anti - Proton
Beam damage.

Version 1.26:
1. Fixed - "Bits Index Error" when generating a quadrant map
while setting up a new game.
2. Fixed - Access Violation sometimes when exiting the Units
Launch\Recover window.
3. Fixed - The Retrofit selection window should only show
designs that you have the technology for.
4. Fixed - You should not see the "Blockaded" text on a planet
report if you cannot actually see the planet directly.
5. Fixed - In the Ships window, sorting by Size would not work
correctly for ships.
6. Fixed - Ground combat would not change the statistics of the
7. Fixed - The text "Blockaded" would not show on a planet which
had enemy troops on it.
8. Fixed - Mothablled ships will not count towards your score.

Version 1.25:
1. Fixed - The meteor strike event was happening every turn.
2. Fixed - Fighter Bays had an incorrect description.
3. Changed - Fighter Bays now launch 4 fighters per game turn.
Satellite Bays launch 4 satellites per game turn.
Mine Layers launch 2 mines per game turn.
4. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: The movement replay log would
cut out when a combat occured.
5. Added - Game Option: No Ruins on planets.
6. Added - Game Option: Can only colonize planets of the same
planet type as your home planet (regardless of
7. Added - Game Option: Can only colonize planets with the same
atmosphere as your home planet.

Version 1.24:
1. Fixed - Intelligence project "Order Snafu" should effect only one
ship, not an entire fleet.
2. Fixed - Ground Combat: Satellites, Mines, Fighters, and Weapon Platforms
do not get to defend in ground combat.
3. Fixed - Ground Combat: Troops should target other enemy troops first
before firing on satellites, mines, fighters, etc.
4. Fixed - Multiple minefields will show up sometimes when you try to
lay mines where a minefield of yours already exists.
5. Fixed - AI was not updating its ships with the latest engines late
in the game.
6. Fixed - AI should check if the planet already has the desired atmosphere
before building an atmospheric converter.
7. Fixed - AI should scrap any atmospheric converters if the desired
atmosphere has been attained on the planet.
8. Fixed - AI should fill up remaining space on designs with basic armor.
9. Changed - Increased the rate at which fighters and satellites can be
launched during a game turn.
10. Fixed - Meteor strike event would sometimes cause no damage.
11. Fixed - Cluster quadrant layout would not quite work with system amounts
greater than 200.
12. Added - Added a log message which is sent to an empire for each construction
queue which fails to build an item because of a lack of resources from
the empire.
13. Fixed - Fighter Groups were not moving at the speed of the slowest fighter.
14. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Fighter Groups would sometimes launch from planets
without full supplies.
15. Fixed - Population modifiers in Settings.txt were limited to 20 entries.
16. Fixed - Combat Simulation: In the Fleet Transfer Window, the fleet picture
would not show up sometimes for a fleet in the list.
17. Fixed - Integer Overflow during Finite Resources games on the AI's turn.
18. Changed - Increased the damage for the Anti-Proton Beam family (thanks to

Version 1.23:
1. Fixed - AI should only build one sensor buoy at a time.
2. Fixed - Some of the empire files were saved with all of the ministers
turned on.
3. Fixed - In some circumstances, the AI will design Base Space Yards with
more than one space yard.
4. Fixed - Cloaked ships were triggering population unhappiness.
5. Fixed - A race that has been destroyed should show "Conquered" for the
treaty in its race report window.
6. Added - Added a new tab to the Strategies window called "Damage". This
tab allows you to set the percentage damage you want to inflict
on different kinds of enemy ships before moving on to a new
target. So for ships, if it says 80%, then your ships will
damage the ship up to 80% and then will switch to a new target.
If no other targets are available, your ships will go back and
finish off those remaining ships. There is also a setting for
"Damage targets until all weapons gone". If this is set true,
then your ships will fire on enemy ships until all of their
weapons are gone, regardless of the percentage damage setting.
7. Fixed - Sometimes the AI Resupply minister would give a Divide by Zero
8. Fixed - The Last patch caused the display of the letters "RSY" in the
system window to not work.
9. Fixed - The AI was not balancing armed and non-armed ships correctly
when considering a trade.
10. Fixed - Typo in the SectType.txt file.
11. Fixed - Mothballed ships were blockading enemy planets.
12. Fixed - Improved the AI's use of seeking weapons in combat.
13. Fixed - Improved the AI's firing of weapons before or after moving.
14. Fixed - Sometimes the AI would not fire seekers on a target.
15. Fixed - Tactical Combat: When a seeker destroyed a colony, there would
be no explosion.
16. Fixed - Tactical Combat: When seekers were launched by a planet, the
selection icon would show for the planet and all of the seekers
at the same time.
17. Fixed - Maximum Weapons Range strategy would sometimes cause the ship to
move closer to the target.
18. Fixed - You should only be able to scrap satellite Groups and fighter
Groups if a spaceyard is present.
19. Fixed - Combat Replay would show the shields for a ship that was hit with
a shield skipping weapon.
20. Fixed - You should not be able to add a minefield to a combat simulation.
21. Fixed - Vehicles in the Combat Simulation design list were not being
sorted by name.
22. Fixed - Improved the AI's determination of when to skip an item in its
purchase list if there is no cargo space available to hold it.
23. Fixed - The AI would try to build defense bases at planets without
24. Fixed - Mothballed ships should not effect happiness at all.
25. Change - Increased the amount of happiness troops on a planet generate.
26. Change - Increased the amount of happiness a ship in orbit generates for
the planet.
27. Fixed - Added the field "Maximum population for abandon planet order" to
Settings.txt. This will prevent people from abandoning a planet
with a full population of rioting people.
28. Fixed - After an abandon planet, a new colony on the planet would start
at the same happiness as the Last population.
29. Change - Changed the starting happiness of colonies to "Happy" instead of
30. Fixed - A mothballed ship that was the only ship in a system could not be
attacked by the other players.
31. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Reasons for a ship failing to load cargo, drop
cargo, or lay mines were not being added to the log.
32. Change - Cloaked ships cannot lay mines, launch units, or recover units.
33. Fixed - System level point modifiers were being summed instead of max'd.

Version 1.22:
1. Fixed - Fixed a few memory leaks.
2. Fixed - AI was not using cloaking correctly.
3. Fixed - Fixed up some of the constraints on what a cloaked ship
can do.
4. Fixed - AI will choose Stealth Armor for its designs instead of
Cloaking Devices.
5. Fixed - AI would fill up remaining space on its designs with
regular shield generators (not phased shield generators).
6. Fixed - Maximum number of ships and units per player in a game was
not being enforced correctly. In Game Setup, Maximum number
of units (in space) has been changed so that the units can be
in space or in cargo. Increased the starting maximums for
7. Fixed - Games using Multiplayer Save Game Path would try to get
the combat replay and statistics file from this location,
instead of where the savegame was loaded from.
8. Fixed - Ships destroyed with ramming were not providing experience.
9. Fixed - Ships destroyed with ramming were not add in to the design
10. Fixed - Units carried by a ship were not being tallied in the unit's
design statistics.
11. Fixed - If an item that is in a trade has been lost, destroyed,
captured, etc. before the trade is excepted, it will be listed
in the trade as "unavailable".
12. Fixed - Jettisoned units weren't being tallied in that unit's
design statistics.
13. Fixed - Ships or Units that are received as gifts, will also have
their design available as an Enemy Design.
14. Fixed - The notes in the Galaxy Window would allow you to see the
names of systems that you had not explored.
15. Fixed - Planets that are in systems that you have seen, were not
showing a green or red star if they were colonizable.
16. Fixed - Omnipresent view of systems would allow you to see
cloaked ships.
17. Fixed - Added a new restriction that you cannot edit a prototype
design if it has been added to one of your construction
18. Fixed - Change directory in the Load Game window would error if the
Multiplayer Save Game Path was invalid.
19. Fixed - Improved the AI ship design based on the terrific "Mephisto
20. Fixed - Transports with a "Capture Planet" strategy were not attempting
to drop troops on the planet.
21. Fixed - Colony planets in the Combat Simulator window were showing the
incorrect player color for the population bars (or possibly no
bars at all).
22. Fixed - Planets should not show up in the Combat Simulator's Fleet
Transfer window.
23. Fixed - Type priorities settings for targeting were not working in
certain situations.
24. Fixed - The Ship\Planet report for a piece in a combat simulation
would sometimes show the wrong status icons.
25. Fixed - Sometimes multiple stats and event files would be copied for
each savegame.
26. Fixed - For a Launch All Units order, if a unit failed to launch
early in the list, then all later units in the list would
not be attempted.
27. Fixed - Sometimes the treaty grid would show two races having two
different treaties with each other.
28. Fixed - If a unit group was at a location in space with other unit
Groups, then the unit Groups amount number and the number
of space o
Change is inevitable, how you handle change is controllable - J. Strong
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Old January 9th, 2002, 04:11 AM

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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Excellent! I can't wait!!!!
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Old January 9th, 2002, 04:27 AM

DarkStar DarkStar is offline
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Very cool, how many pages is the printed manual? I love the fact you are including a printed manual in GOLD. I think it's going to make learning the game easier.
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Old January 9th, 2002, 04:55 AM
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Arrggghhhhh, how you taunt me so!

One thing - What, no space monsters? Come on pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee??????
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Old January 9th, 2002, 06:55 AM

HEMAN HEMAN is offline
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

OUCH ! I bite my tounge, TEARS are running down my eyes,my MOUTH is drolling?.Shiver my timbers. My back iches?. WHAT,no space monsters? Come on pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee??????
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Old January 9th, 2002, 09:09 AM
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

what, you dont have enough event mods and shipsets and mods featuring space monsters as it is? what else do you want, CGI movie sequences of large-breasted female space vampires draining the life force from your crews?

lets hear it for the repeat orders fix for planets! yea!
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
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Old January 9th, 2002, 09:12 AM

jimbob55 jimbob55 is offline
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Addiction is a terrible thing.

must develop some sort of SE4 replacement patch or gum...... Think of the wives who would thank me.
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Old January 9th, 2002, 11:10 AM

Shyrka Shyrka is offline
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Originally posted by Puke:
...large-breasted female space vampires draining the life force from your crews?...

You men always thinking the same

But i want space monsters too... Maybe in SE5?
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Old January 9th, 2002, 06:17 PM
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Originally posted by Shyrka:
But i want space monsters too... Maybe in SE5?

someone made a mod with organic space monsters that had regenerating ships (a special racial technology that gave access to special ship components and hulls) where EVERYTHING on the ship would regenerate in combat, they had superior boarding abilities, better space yards so they could have queens giving birth to fleets of little space monsters, and zero maintainance costs. I think it was something that Lord Kodos was working on a while back, but it could have been someone else. in any case, now that the idea is out there, it should not take more than a few hours work to recreate (though the AI files would take longer to script..)
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
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Old January 9th, 2002, 06:37 PM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: Final History List - See if the new game is worth it....

Looks good.

Any chance of history files or history reports on intel ???

And a real pain in the #$% is when you have about 200 planets and you forgot where the resource converter is located.

Ahhh he rants with praise.
old avatar = http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...1051567998.jpg

Hey GUTB where did you go...???

He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly
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