Originally Posted by gila
Have some time to play a few scenarios,and thought a glider landing on crete would be fun to try.
The trouble is,, the gliders weren't preset to land anywhere,, OOPS!
But there
are gold spots to plot them to land on, if you don't want to wait 8+ turns (of 11) for them to arrive on a custom landing hex. They will arrive in 1 turn if plotted on the priority hexes. Remember to set up the entry direction first, though!.
Select HQ, then "B" for bombardment screen, press the "switch to:" button to go to to "spotters" then "airborne", now plot LZs on the gold spots after first setting air entry directions if required. Job done. Hit end turn and wait for their arrival.
However - it is really best to design any para or glider landing assault scenarios with the transports pre-plotted. At the very least it simplifies things for any newbies who might be confused by the arty plotting routines - or totally unaware of the rarely-used air transport plotting mechanism. perhaps the designer did it this way to allow a little choice of LZ - not noted, so unknown if it was his intent.
Since no-one has actually complained in the circa 10 years of the scenarios existence so far, then it is
probably not a problem though. But a little extra explanatory text might help those newbies who do not realise how to plot transport planes to get their lads onto the map?.