Re: "spell lasts duration of battle" but ends when caster dies?
Yes every Battlefield Enchantment (those spell icons that appear in the top right hand corner of the battle screen) is cancelled if the commander unit who cast it (or has it as an ability) dies or retreats from battle. Or at least I can not think of any BE's that would not obey this rule (apologies in advance if I've left out an exception to the rule). Please note that BE's are not the same as battlewide buffs (eg.Anti-Magic), as those effects are (mostly) permanent once cast.
So any spell description that omits to mention this, as it appears Rain does, is simply a leftover from before patch 3.20 came out, as before that patch BE's did last until the battle ended, and this problem has nothing to do with CBM (people seem too quick recently at labelling problems on CBM IMO). Edit - Just checked the Rain spell description, and the description of other BE's, and this line at the top "Battle Enchantment (Affects the entire battlefield for the duration of the battle)" is very likely a hard-coded description associated with any Battle Enchantment, and only Illwinter can fix it to reflect the changes in patch 3.20.
New features and bug fixes v3.20:
· Battle enchantments expire when caster retreats from battle ground.
· New switch: --nocheatdet.
· Crash during host fixed.
· Improved move order validation.
· Increased maximum number of maps allowed in the map folder.
· LA Atlantis got new troops to recruit under water.
· LA Atlantis got a new hero.
· Increased maximum number of messages (for huge games).
· Increased maximum number of commanders and units (for huge games
Last edited by Calahan; May 13th, 2012 at 04:18 AM..