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Old May 12th, 2012, 05:54 AM
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Default An idea about hull down position.

I dont know if it is possible to be done in this game, but I had an idea about how hull down positioning can be implemented in the game. If a vehicle moves slow ebough (1 hex/turn) and moves in a position of higher elevation than the one it occupied before and is being fired by an enemy in a position at the same or lower elevation than the newly occupied position, then the vehicle recieves a bonus in hull armor value, kinda like the same if it was a dug in vehicle. The bonus should be variable and it should be affected by the same stuff that affect vehicles IRL, for example a T72 should recieve a lower bonus than an Abrams, since its gun doesnt have such a low depression value...
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Old May 13th, 2012, 07:45 AM
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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

I've throught about this myself, it was a major tactic in the Arab-Israeli wars.

Also I was thinking about night turns and Illumunation rounds. I'm not sure low visibility just does it for night turns. You can have 10 miles visibility at night if something is back lit. But even is you had low visibility to simulate night an Illumination round could light up a 10 or so hex area. I got a first hand appreciation for what illumination rounds can do in Beirut and it is pretty dramatic when night turns into day.
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Old May 13th, 2012, 01:54 PM

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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

Originally Posted by Aeraaa View Post
I dont know if it is possible to be done in this game, but I had an idea about how hull down positioning can be implemented in the game. If a vehicle moves slow ebough (1 hex/turn) and moves in a position of higher elevation than the one it occupied before and is being fired by an enemy in a position at the same or lower elevation than the newly occupied position, then the vehicle recieves a bonus in hull armor value, kinda like the same if it was a dug in vehicle. The bonus should be variable and it should be affected by the same stuff that affect vehicles IRL, for example a T72 should recieve a lower bonus than an Abrams, since its gun doesnt have such a low depression value...
Not being a developer for this game, but a software developer in general: this idea is good but I'm afraid it would require way too big improvements in the game code and is therefore unimplementable.
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Old May 13th, 2012, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

Originally Posted by Aeraaa View Post
I dont know if it is possible to be done in this game, but I had an idea about how hull down positioning can be implemented in the game. If a vehicle moves slow ebough (1 hex/turn) and moves in a position of higher elevation than the one it occupied before and is being fired by an enemy in a position at the same or lower elevation than the newly occupied position, then the vehicle recieves a bonus in hull armor value, kinda like the same if it was a dug in vehicle. The bonus should be variable and it should be affected by the same stuff that affect vehicles IRL, for example a T72 should recieve a lower bonus than an Abrams, since its gun doesnt have such a low depression value...
I think alot of what you ask for is already modeled very well in the game.

A moving AFV will not get the full benefit of the terrian it is in when firing on the move there calculations like: how fast,elevation ect.

A stationary AFV gets some terrian benefit the turn after it stops moving,and increases if it stays still.

A hull down position is if the enemy unit can't get a hit on the hull,this can happen if you are in tall grass or in a depression or rough and have not moved for at least 1 turn.

You have to carefull when cresting a hill/ridge on the reverse slope though as that exposes the weaker under belly of the hull.
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Old May 14th, 2012, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

Thanks for the repply gila, I didnt know the game had this thing implemented. I actually made a test (1 M1 vs 10 PT76s in varied terrain) to see if what you told me is true and to my amaze you're correct, when in the terrain you've described, I observed only turret hits.

You also say that cresting a hill on a reverse slope exposes the under belly. Is this part of the tank modeled in game? Well, probably is since we have mines, but does this also apply for enemy projectiles as well?
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Old November 10th, 2013, 10:20 AM

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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

Originally Posted by gila View Post
A hull down position is if the enemy unit can't get a hit on the hull,this can happen if you are in tall grass or in a depression or rough and have not moved for at least 1 turn.
Sorry if this has been covered before, but is a vehicle hull down if it's at a higher elevation than the firing unit? And if so, does it have to be stationary "for at least one turn"?

Thanks for your kind attention.
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Old November 10th, 2013, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

Higher than the firer, or dug-in.

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Old November 13th, 2013, 04:48 PM

sabresandy sabresandy is offline
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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

Yeah, I remember reading that in the Mobhack manual, but it's not mentioned in the main manual. Perhaps it would help if the hull-down feature were also mentioned there? I seem to recall a few other things in the Mobhack help page that could probably be migrated to the main page, but I can't recall what they are offhand.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 03:50 AM
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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

More detailed 'nuts and bolts' stuff has always been the remit of the Mobhack help.
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Old June 8th, 2017, 07:29 AM

jivemi jivemi is online now
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Default Re: An idea about hull down position.

Sorry to be a nag, but would it be possible to make hull-down tanks harder to hit? If the game keeps track of higher turret hit probability, could it also reduce hit chance on the tank accordingly? After all if it's harder or impossible to hit the hull wouldn't the vehicle itself be harder to hit? Just wondering. Thanks.
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