About the poll on the front page
The question of console games is always sure to rile up PC gamers, so Im going to weigh in with my opinion
First off, I play both console and PC games. I like having fun. If I can have fun playing Halo for the XBox, then what is wrong with that? But nowadays Im way more into UT2003 and Army Operations for my FPS fix. (got to blow something up and I want big gory death too! hahahahahah! not really)
Anyhow, the two platforms for games are different. So if I want to play Mario, I get me a console (or an emulator, and download roms, see, the PCs still have it in the end, just not the real money making end) Another thing, consoles are something of an extension of computers in that way. Look at the XBox or Gamecube. The XBox is nearly a PC in its own right, and it is using a lot of PC stuff. The Gamecube uses ATi parts, so overall it is getting money to some PC makers. Just because Microsoft is making the XBox I doubt they will stop making PC games.
In the end, it just boils down to having fun. Which lets me have more? I dunno, I like both a lot! But you can bet I will be buying more PC games, as most good games are on the PC.
When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of a cat. The two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with Chicago.