That's a good question about the defense of your fort being restored when the enemy's army leaves the province. I'm not sure if the new enemy arriving the same turn the other enemy left would find a fort with it's defense already reduced or have to wait while the defense is reduced once more. Gotta test that one.
Originally Posted by SsSam
If I were to try and slip my army into the castle without combat what are my chances? Once the Ermorian army moves away the province is mine. Would my troops then move in the move to own province section of turn resolution or is that too simple
Movement between friendly provinces happens in an earlier phase than battle movement, which means that during the friendly movement phase Ermor still owns your province, which I think means that you can't move there in that phase (your army would move to that province during battle movement, no?).
The whole idea of the friendly movement phase is that no conflicts have to be resolved during that phase. It doesn't matter what order the server handles that movement since with no conflicts the result doesn't change depending on whose army moves first.
If your army's movement creates a potential conflict (someone else owns that province and you'll have to fight them for it) then it has to happen during the battle (err.. other) movement phase. You may own the fort, but Ermor owns the province while his army is there (he can set the tax level, etc).
I'm not sure how the game handles that space of time between an enemy leaving behind your unconquered fort and you reclaiming the ownership of that province, but I feel like it might be something like:
Turn Starts
1.Enemy owns province (you own the fort)
2.Enemy leaves province during friendly movement, Indies now own the province (you own the fort)
3.If noone has attacked during other movement to retake the province from you it reverts to your control by the end of turn resolution (maybe during other movement? your fort re-conquers the province for you?).