1) Load the scenario into the editor using the LOAD button
2) Use the MAP SIDES button to left of the load button it should say LOCKED
3) It will change to FREE & the button below will change to SWAP
4) Press the SWAP button it will change to I forget what
5) Save the scenario
NOTE I have no idea if this will muck up any way points you should always check this at the start really by buying the 2 sides in a normal battle & seeing which side they deploy on.
Seem to remember with this particular scenario though Germans are in the middle French attack from both sides played a long time back & I did the following.
Use the RALLY HEX button (oblong button underneath the main bank of buttons)
You can use this button in the editor then save or from the standard battle screen when play the game for the side you control only.
I set up the Germans to route down the map
Click a suitable point for them to head for & click the ALL FORMATIONS button.
French one lot head the right way the others dont so ignore the ones that head the right way.
For the others again select a suitable point for them to head to
Select each company you want to use it either using 5 key (CD only) to hilight or buttons to cycle through & use the COMPANY button.
Try not to look at where the Germans are as do it