I would like to make a suggestion for the North Korean OOB (obat19): add a motorcycle unit for the Korean War period.
I remember reading somewhere that the North Koreans used motorcycle troops for recon. That would make sense because their mentors – the Soviets – also used them for that purpose.
North Korean motorcycle troops during the Korean War:
The bikes look like Soviet M-72s. They were armed with 7.62mm DP LMGs (obat19/ Weapon 010). A North Korean motorcycle unit in WinSPMBT would be very similar to the Soviet motorcycle sections in WinSPWW2 (e.g. spob11/ Unit 306).
Men-At-Arms Series 174: The Korean War 1950-53 states that the North Korean KPA had a motorcycle regiment – with 3,500 men - at the start of the war: the 603rd Motorcycle Reconnaissance Regt. When I ‘googled’ it I found this
article which briefly mentions the North Korean use of motorcycles during the war.