After the reading of Lovercrft's"the nameless city" i decidede to create a mod.
it does nothing except adding a new unit ( and relative spell ofc) to la c'tis.
untill now i made only sprite 1 and the text file but i'm not sure if it's right.
wrote in this way, is a spell that requires h3/d3, research 9 in enchantament and 50 death gems?
i'll upload also sprite 1.
p.s. there is way to set max age infinite?
0.3 changes
a) copied the Lord's description made by Foodstamp
b)add 1 news spell "Call of the star" [ is the astral version of hellfire prison; alt 9, req S4, 90 fat]
0.4 changes
a)added a new god for R'lyeh
Last edited by Swan; June 22nd, 2009 at 02:57 PM..
Reason: attcak sprite finished
I touched up the grammar/capitalization/typos a bit for you. Also, I would consider setting the #unique tag for this guy. Finally, I am pretty sure you cannot use holy as one of the paths to summon this guy, but I may be wrong.
P.S. I am not sure if you can set a unit to live infinitely, but keep in mind a year in Dominions is 12 turns, so you can practically make him live infinitely even if his lifespan only numbers in the thousands of years. Good luck with your mod!
#name "Nameless City's Lord"
#descr "One of the lords that ruled the Nameless City. They had been forgotten by everyone but from old women's tales. With the coming of the god one of the lords awakened from his grave in the desert and has come to surface to help C'tisian lizards, heirs of the antediluvian lizard's empire.
The lord is nothing more than a ghost of what it used to be, but it retains his power of prophet, leader and mage."
the unit is over and ready to be downloaded.
in this period i can't play Dom so tell me if thre are bugs/problem.
I found modding funny(despite things like blackout when you haven't saved what you've done)
so i'll probably continue to work on this mod, adding new spell and unit, all inspired to Lovecraft.
i wrote this spell but i can't find it in the laboratory. where is the error?
#copyspell "Claws of Cocytus"
#name "call of the star"
#descr "The caster curse the target, forcing him to hear the sounds from the deepest hole of the universe and to try each the origin of the sound. There is a chance for the target to return, being the will of the Old mysterious."
#school 1
#researchlevel 9
#path 0 4
#pathlevel 0 4
fixed the spell, new mod version released.
if you have ideas, post them, as i need something to forgot my school-leaving exam that i'm going to have thursday
new version!
added a new god "avatar of Cthlhu"
the images are not original but found on the net, i simply cuted the "hello Cthlhu" and made his/her/it's eyes red for the attack image