truck trick vs pgm strikes
i have played several games with pgm strikes with several versions of winspmbt and i find quite strange that the unit that has most toughness against an pgm attack is a basic truck and often it takes 4 pgm strikes to take a truck down
i have never needed 4 pgm strikes against anything else not even the best tanks with virs or ciws and still truck takes 4 of them and that seems to be almost an average (sometimes i need 4 to those ciws tanks)
and those pilots that pilot pgm strike airplanes are eager to target trucks and jeeps over other targets even visible ones
i find this quite strange
an effective counter against pgm strikes have been in games of me and my friends empty trucks that gets pgm:s like magnets
just deploy them near sams aa:s tanks etc you dont want to be hit and the planes pgm them instead
anyone else know why is this happening ?
for what i think it should be weaker than a tank or armored vehicle (the truck) against anything and pgm
i have this same thing against tank shots and bazookas etc trucks/jeeps takes more of them than armored vehicles making an unarmored target actually harder to destroy with anything but machineguns or similar pen 0 weapons than an armored target
seems quite a silly tactic in a real war
i bet the pilots in real pgm airstrike planes wont target empty trucks with their missiles and i bet those trucks aint that tough (it's usual to first get 1 men killed etc and only after that it is destroyed)
and it seems quite a waste to pgm a truck
a pgm might actually cost more than one truck in money (and in steel panther points)