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Old January 19th, 2009, 06:35 AM

chuckfourth chuckfourth is offline
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Default Coastal Artilley

Recently Ive been defending a few coasts and Ive noticed some interesting differences in the OOBs. If you play UK you get to choose between various gun emplacements, one however is outstanding, the 9.2 inch unit 394. which contains weapon 194 "9.2in Coast Gun"
stats are accuracy 60 and HE penetration 14, no AP rating.
Compare it to the Italians unit 389 "Difesa Costiera" containing weapon 194 "305mm Costiera"
stats are accuracy 13 and HE penetration 07, no AP rating.
Note the italian gun is a 12 inch gun.
Now if im not mistaken these guns are designed to sink or at least set on fire from end to end any ship, battle or otherwise that is silly enough to come within range. In-game the British gun can do this the Italian gun can't.
In fact the British 6 inch gun mounted on the Insect class moniter is also better than the Italian 12 inch gun.
Stats for the ship mounted British 6 inch gun are accuracy 30 and AP penetration 10.
Note that these guns were removed from dreadnaughts and used as coast defence. The usual practice in this situation is to also remove and install the ships rangefinders. So it would seem to me that the accuracy values for the british 9.2 inch gun is correct and the italian guns value should be increased to match. The Italian gun also fires a AP round so the penetration value is also way too low. (it may be a "naval" AP shell with a fairly high HE content.)
Also the Italian guns may have been mounted in the origional turrets and so would qualiy for 360 degree traverse. (cant remember where I saw those pictures at the moment)

In a similar vein the germans mounted fully traversing 11 inch gun turrets with attendent rangefinders in Scandanavia. See

German unit 315 "Coastal Fort" has this weapon 104 "17cm K 18" (6.69 inch) with
accuracy 6 and HE penetration 4 no AP rating.
This gun is ex pre-dreadnaught ordinance and again as its there to shoot at ships probably has way to low an accuracy and certainly should have a much better performance against Armour.
and see
for other german coastal guns currently not featured in the game.
Best Regards Chuck.
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Old January 19th, 2009, 09:24 AM
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Default Re: Coastal Artilley

I always seen this but i thought it was a design decision to prevent players from killing hordes of tanks and barges without a scratch in their defenses, but i dont know much about naval guns(most coastal arty had naval guns)
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Old January 19th, 2009, 11:24 AM
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Default Re: Coastal Artilley

All naval guns ( weapon class 10 ) are 60 accuracy. All costal guns follow the same pattern as any other land based gun being used by a coastal fort. The "error" is with the Brit gun. The 9.2 is a 46 calibre weapon so should be 12 acc in the game ( 11.5 rounded up to 12 )..and now is.

If you'd bothered to look you would have seen the Brit OOB has "naval" and "costal" versions of some guns and so do the Italians. How exactly did you miss that Italian weapon 194 "305mm Costiera" has a naval version in slot 195 as "305mm Navale ??

Naval guns are "off map" indirect fire weapons. The coastal forts are not and not one "Naval gun" has an AP pen.


Last edited by DRG; January 19th, 2009 at 12:40 PM..
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Old January 19th, 2009, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: Coastal Artilley

i still cant understand the reason of the HE penetration 14 on the brit 9.2in
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Old January 20th, 2009, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: Coastal Artilley

Originally Posted by iCaMpWiThAWP View Post
i still cant understand the reason of the HE penetration 14 on the brit 9.2in
That's a typo as well. It should be 5. It was the one weapon missed the last time we checked those type of guns

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Old January 20th, 2009, 05:52 AM

chuckfourth chuckfourth is offline
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Default Re: Coastal Artilley

Hi Don
The difference between a coastal gun and "any other land based gun" is this, the coastal gun has a big fat naval type rangefinder and naval type gunnery control centre, a ships "bridge/conning tower" on land.
This allows them to successfully engage ships far out to sea which a normal land based gun cannot.
So treating coastal guns(`150mm and above) and land based guns the same doesnt take this into account.
It would appear for Germany at least that pretty much any battery of guns over 150mm in a coastal defence role had a quality rangefinder and probably a control centre.
and it is of course ludicrous to suggest that the italian 12 inch gun is mounted as coast defence without similar accessory equipment.

"more than forty guns of a calibre ranging from 105 to 240 mm(~9inch)"along a "30-kilometre stretch of sea front" resulted in this, "The Allied fleet, however, which had started bombarding Cherbourg during the attack, was kept at bay by the heavy coastal batteries."
Exactly the opposite is modeled in your game as shown by the comparison of the insect gunboat (accurate and AP round) to the Italian 12 inch coastal gun (inaccurate and AP round removed).
Is the reason the coastal guns have their AP removed because the indirect fire naval artillery has none? because if so it certainly gives the enemies on-board flotilla and landing craft an easy ride in The unrealistic combination of the coastal guns low accurracy and no AP means even if you hit anything you cant sink it.
As a rough guide assuming the insect gunboat has a rangefinder and that its accurracy of 30 isnt another typo then 30 could be considered it as a guide to what the coastal guns accuracy should be. As a shore based gun isnt moving, pitching, yawing or rolling the shore guns accuracy should be something better.
Best Regards Chuck.
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Old January 20th, 2009, 10:07 AM
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Default Re: Coastal Artilley

Originally Posted by chuckfourth View Post
The difference between a coastal gun and "any other land based gun" is this, the coastal gun has a big fat naval type rangefinder and naval type gunnery control centre, a ships "bridge/conning tower" on land.

Originally Posted by chuckfourth View Post
Exactly the opposite is modeled in your game as shown by the comparison of the insect gunboat (accurate and AP round) to the Italian 12 inch coastal gun (inaccurate and AP round removed).
Is the reason the coastal guns have their AP removed because the indirect fire naval artillery has none? because if so it certainly gives the enemies on-board flotilla and landing craft an easy ride in The unrealistic combination of the coastal guns low accurracy and no AP means even if you hit anything you cant sink it.
As a rough guide assuming the insect gunboat has a rangefinder and that its accurracy of 30 isnt another typo then 30 could be considered it as a guide to what the coastal guns accuracy should be. As a shore based gun isnt moving, pitching, yawing or rolling the shore guns accuracy should be something better.
Best Regards Chuck.

Do tell Chuck ------exactly how many of the "naval gun" units in the game which have weapons with 60 accuracy have rangefinder and firecontrol ratings above zero ? That is all units in the game like the Italian "Art Navale" or the US or Japanese "XXin Naval Gun" or the German "XXXmm Naval gun"

Hmmm ??

Do a nice long exhaustive check and get back to me on that. Take all the time you need.

Just as a reminder the question is ---- how many of those units with a weapon class 10 weapon ( Naval Artillery ) given 60 accuracy have rangefinder and firecontrol ratings above zero ?

Once you're done that for me go and check the rangefinder and firecontrol ratings of the costal forts and tell me what you find. Take your time with that. I don't want to hear from you again until you have an answer that isn't based on faulty theory or assumption

And yes, the 30 accuracy given to the 6 inch "naval gun" used by the insect class GB is an error. It should have the same accuracy as the 5 inch naval gun in weapon slot 188 ( 10 )

Congratulations, for all that you found two ( 2 ) really insignificant errors

Oh and when you're checking all those costal guns for RF and FC and you get to the Italian ( both Italy and RSI ) the "Art Costiera" you find with a 52 FC is wrong as well and has been corrected in the master

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Old January 20th, 2009, 09:04 PM
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Laugh Re: Coastal Artilley

LOL Please don't take this in other than the humour intended!!!

""really insignificant errors""
Tell this to the poor souls of my Landing Flotilla who perished under the 9inch Guns of Gibraltar !!!

NOW I don't feel so bad, although this operation was a comedy of errors!!

Bob out
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Old January 21st, 2009, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Coastal Artilley

Originally Posted by PanzerBob View Post
LOL Please don't take this in other than the humour intended!!!

""really insignificant errors""
Tell this to the poor souls of my Landing Flotilla who perished under the 9inch Guns of Gibraltar !!!

NOW I don't feel so bad, although this operation was a comedy of errors!!

Bob out
Better stay away from the shores of Italy then because the 52 Firecontrol of that one Italian emplacment is somewhat more significant than the 60 accuracy of the 9.2 inch gun

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Old January 22nd, 2009, 01:53 AM
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Laugh Re: Coastal Artilley

It was the 14 pen that did all my escort in, 5 pen would have made a big difference!! LOL

Bob out
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