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Old December 13th, 2008, 06:35 AM
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Default The Semovente 75/18 and other Italian AFV questions

The Semovente 75/18, SMV M.40 75L18 in the game, was historically also equipped with EP and EPS ("Effetto Pronto" and "Effetto pronto Speciale") shells, a sort of hollow charge ammunition (HEAT for game purpose).
No one of the SMV 75/18 in the game has HEAT munition. The HEAT value for the 75L18 (weapon 039 in italian oob) now is 5, while the usual (but web based) value is found to be 71mm (up to 1000m, see tarrif.net for example).
Also in winSPWW2 AP value (5, like the 37/40 of the M11/39) seems to be less of the common values that I found, that is 59mm at 100m (that can be used as "point blank" value of 6).
Should be also considered that tarrif.net states that his tables report penetration value @30° armour.
Moreover, in a numer of places I read that the Semovente 75/18 was one of the most effective weapon against most of the allied tanks: this can be true only taking in account the HEAT ammunition.
By the way in CMAK the EP penetration value for the 75/18 is 71mm and the AP performance are instead similar the current winSPWW2 oob.
The "Effetto Pronto" shells should be available from the second half of 1942, and for the SMV 75/18 the ammo loading should be 33%HE 33%AP 33%EP (From Cappellano, theoretical).

In the game the M13/40 and M14/41, has different AP penetration value for the main gun 47/32: 5(weapon 019) and 6(weapon 021)respectively.
I'm quite sure that they had the same gun and also I didn't find any reference to a different AP ammunition loading for those AFV. Again average "web based" AP value seems to be 6 (point blank) in game terms, for the mod.39 shell: like the winSPWW2 value (but for the M14/41 only, till now). CMAK use 62mm@100m for both those AFV.
Conversely the HEAT value (7) of the EP 47mm shell, given for example to a flavor of the M14/41, seems to generous becouse the same of the 75mm.

Must be noted that I didn't find detailed sources for EP & EPS rounds performances.

Paper references:
In "Italian Armored Vehicles In WWII" by F. Pignato. Here you will find penetration values slight different but, more or less, consistent with tarrif.net and the other web infos:
37/40 (M11/39): 34mm@900m
47/32 (M13/40 & M14/41): 50mm@400m
75/18 (SMV): 59mm (no info for the distance, probably "point blank")
In "Le artiglierie del regio esercito nella IIGM" By F.Cappellano, for the 75/18 AP rounds is slight more conservative than tarrif.net:
@500m/90° 45mm
@500m/60° 35mm
@1000m/90° 40mm
@1000m/60° 30mm

sorry for the long post (hopefully not to much confused)

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Old December 13th, 2008, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: The Semovente 75/18 and other Italian AFV questions

We'll look into this

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