Hi Ketch
You have two problems here, firstly any artillery unit can hit any target on the map with perfect accurracy without it even needing to be visible to any of your troops.
for some possible solutions
This makes artillery by far the strongest arm in the game. Which gives you your second problem, people know this and so buy "unhistorically" huge amounts of it.
One day you might see some artillery "rarity" limits, maybe something like
You need to buy a regiment before you can buy the regimental guns.
A limit of 1 artillery regiment of divisional calibre guns per game/division.
Corps level artillery removed from meeting engagements.
etc etc
Not implememtable I realize but I can always dream.
I think there is a thread on this somewhere but I bought two "commando hvy wpn" (formation 298) recently and the included FO's have no FO abilities.
Best Regards Chuck.