AI Facility Construction... Falling Short
I was recently playing a long game and had a well established empire with plenty of resources... but was getting spy attacks left and right.
To counter this I started colonizing basically every new planet to "Intelligence Compound" and letting the Minister take over my facility builing... several turns later I checked back up on the new intell planets... most did not have any buildings at all. Those few that did only had a supply depot.
I've noticed this problem with my other planets too... the Minister just doesn't seem to want to fill out all the facilities on the larger planets...
I was wondering if there is a setting that restricts the number of planets that can have a building being built empire wide, or if there is a problem with the Facil Minister. Oh, and as a note, I checked the "Default_AI_Construction_Facilities.txt" and it was still set to defaults... ie:
AI State := Exploration, Infrastructure, Prepare for Attack, Attack, Secure Holdings After Attack, Incursion, Prepare for Defense, Defend (Short Term), Defend (Long Term), Not Connected
Construction Queue Type := Intelligence Compound
Num Queue Entries := 5
Facility 1 Ability := Spaceport
Facility 1 Amount := 1
Facility 2 Ability := Supply Generation
Facility 2 Amount := 1
Facility 3 Ability := System Point Generation Modifier - Intelligence
Facility 3 Amount := 1
Facility 4 Ability := Planet Point Generation Modifier - Intelligence
Facility 4 Amount := 1
Facility 5 Ability := Point Generation - Intelligence
Facility 5 Amount := 100
Anyway, thanks in advance.