AI switcher or sub needed
Caelum needs your help!
We need someone to take over Caelum as the original player has left us. It is still early game and I would estimate Caelum's position as moderately strong. The game is Divine Might.
If you want to play please PM me your email address and I will give you your turn straight away.
The below position has been taken by WingedDog
We need someone to either set Pythium in the Divine Might game to AI or, if preferred, play it. If going for the latter option be prepared that you will start with little to no territory although with lots and lots of money. But as this is a (kind of) a newbie game that might not be such a big problem. Either way, please someone help us by answering this post.
Setting the player to AI won't take more than 5 minutes but will make loads of difference to us.
Last edited by Dedas; September 24th, 2008 at 05:42 PM..