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Old September 2nd, 2001, 03:50 PM

LT411 LT411 is offline
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Default Balancing Technologies

See the attached HTML file for tables that contain the Balanced Design for SE4 Technologies, Facilities, and Components.

I finally have time to take on the massive task of re-designing SE4. The main reason I'm doing this is because I want to play the game, but need to balance it in order to enjoy it.

The AI will be updated so all races support the changes.

What I've basically done is re-assign all of the abilities supported by the engine to facilities and components. I've followed the existing design where possible to minimize potential problems, but have freely changed things where I have a good reason to do so.

Feedback is always welcome, fellow modders can feel free to use any ideas they like from the Balancing Modpack.


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Old September 2nd, 2001, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: Balancing Technologies

Did you intend to have terraforming available ONLY to organic tech races?
You realize that that trait would give a race just over 4 times the facility spaces of any other race (since breathables get 5x, and 1/5th of planets are already breathable)
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Old September 2nd, 2001, 04:06 PM

LT411 LT411 is offline
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Default Re: Balancing Technologies

Good point. I usually play the game with the 'only colonize breathable' setting so it didn't seem that important to me; but your right. I'll have to make that generally available and give the organics something else. Let me know if you find any other problems.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Old September 2nd, 2001, 04:46 PM
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Default Re: Balancing Technologies

Your Cube facility will probably not work right under V1.41

See Nature Shrine Bug / Intelligence Bug

Predictive Targeting Center Temporal
Damage Modifier - System
"Targetting" should increase accuracy, not damage. If you already had ~200% accuracy to hit a ship, then maybe you could get more damage by targetting structural weak points.

Time-Efficiency Center Temporal
Reduced Maintenance Cost - System
How about a "Temporal Decelerator" or "Cronoton Disruptor" for the same effect. "Reduces the flow of time in the system, leading to reduced maintenance costs. The device is turned off during combat situations."

Faith Shield
Planet - Shield Generation
I reccommend that you replace "Planet - Shield Generation" with "Phased Shield Generation"
You get the same effect, but it is proof against PPBs.

Combat To Hit Defense Minus
No effect here; the planet already has a -200% defense modifier.

Bio Scanner
Organic Technology
Sensor Level (EM Passive)
Bio Cloaking Device
Organic Technology
Cloak Level (EM Passive)
How about "Chameleon hull" for the cloak? I'm not sure what to call the scanner ("bug eyes")

As for all of the cloaks:
If those are racial techs, as I assume they still are, you would only be able to hide from alien races if you have every racial tech they have.
EG. If you had a gravitic cloak, then Temporal sensors would see you.

If they are not racial techs, it would be possible to hide from anyone until you hit max tech. Still, you'd have to research 5 different areas (and spend 200KT on your ship) to get an all-around cloak, while the defender needs only to research one area and place one component.
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Old September 2nd, 2001, 06:40 PM

LT411 LT411 is offline
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Default Re: Balancing Technologies

You raise some good points. I've cleaned up the tables and attached them to this message.

The nature shrine bug is just something Users will need to be aware of. I'll leave the cube in for now. It may be fixed in a patch.

I think I'll leave the cloaking the way it is too. The racial techs are expensive and that's one of the advantages they get. Players won't normally be able to hide from their specialized scanners. The scan / cloak levels only come into play when two races with the same racial tech mix it up.

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Old September 2nd, 2001, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Balancing Technologies

The scan / cloak levels only come into play when two races with the same racial tech mix it up.
That is, two players with the EXACT same choice of racial techs. If one player has two of 'em, then he'll be able to see the enemy ships with even his most basic scanner, and hide from the enemy with advanced cloaks.

I really think you should have some cloak options available for regular shmoe races.

EG. Master Computer: Psychic cloak since there are no minds aboard.
Stealth armor: Good against Passive EM, OK against Active EM

It is also required that a schmoe race have some sort of sensor tech, otherwise they will be totally unable to defend their empire.
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