The encampment of the Fae was peaceful in the early morning mists. Crystal Sorceresses from the mountains, their exotic skirts dangling enticingly over brown thighs, shared a pungent brown tea with the good-natured Fir Bolgs of Undia's Chosen. The solitary Sidhe stared into the woods.
Life was good, the air was cool, and the Earth Mother herself walked among her subjects.
There had been disturbing rumors from out of the north, but as yet they were still rumors... so the sudden appearance of the hideous She-God of Sauromatia took them completely by surprise.
Gazebo cackled in victory and raised two knobby claws above her squirming, hissing hair as the soldiers ran to meet her, the company of sorceresses preparing the mightiest communion that the world had ever seen.
The sky fell.
Rains of stones fell from above. Boulders careened off the helmets and shields of the Fir Bolgs, crushing bones, snapping necks, and wreaking utter bloody havoc in the ranks. Behind them, the once-beautiful Sorceresses screamed and were pulverized into a fine red mist from the hail of rock. Someone began to howl in pure grief.
The Great Mother herself turned and ran. But there was nowhere to go. Horrors from Beyond and insane, dead gods banished from the land of Peccary by the vanished Pantokrator ravished the surrounding countryside.
Undia stopped, her rotund figure jiggling with health and shining with life, a life that was now dulling within her, her hair drying, her skin cracking. Her children were gone; there was no more reason to fight. She turned around. Crying the tears of a dead race from her wrinkling eyes, she looked straight into the burning amber eyes of Ga
Sauromatia: Lawful Evil