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Old August 29th, 2001, 01:38 AM
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Default Crystalline Armor & sattelites.

Crystalline armor on sattelites has some wierd effects.

1) Crystalline Armor on different sats will add up their ability.

2) "Shield generation from damage" ability does not decrease when sats are destroyed.

3) Only damage which breaches the shield gets put into shield strength.

So, Crystalline armor on sats avoid a bug with ship-mounted armor (where if the shields drop the entire weapon's damage get put into shields, even if no damage is done)

Adding Crystalline armor to your sats gives you 2x hitpoints.

Plus, if you arrange your sats well in the transport, you can do it with only two sats!

The first sattelite must have a shield generator, the best tech you have, plus Crystalline armor (2 pieces).
The second sat is all crystalline armor (3 pieces).

At high tech, you get (275 shield points) * (# of sats), plus half off all hull damage from weapons that do less than 125 damage.

Eg. stack of 25 Missile Sats (2x CSM V (100KT), MC (10KT), Armor III (10KT))
Hitpoints = 140 each, 3500 hitpoints total.
Now, if you add those two crystal defense sats, the missile sats get:
+275 shields per sat: +6875 hitpoints total
2x hull strength: 7000 hitpoints hull

For the cost of two more sats, your CSM stack has gone from 3500 hitpoints to 13875; Almost four times!
The hitpoints on individual CSM sats has gone from 140 to 455.

Note that that strength boost remains even if you lose the crystalline sats on the first turn! The ability Lasts the entire 30 turn combat.
The only condition is that if you lose your crystalline sats, you must pick up every surviving sat, and place them down again with the crystalline shield sat first. (The armor-only sat can go anywhere in the stack)


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[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 29 August 2001).]
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Old August 29th, 2001, 03:34 AM
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Default Re: Crystalline Armor & sattelites.

Originally posted by suicide_junkie:


think they work the same way on WPs? on ship armor, does the ability still persist for all 30 turns even when the components are destroyed?

"...the green, sticky spawn of the stars"
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
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Old August 29th, 2001, 05:32 AM
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Default Re: Crystalline Armor & sattelites.

think they work the same way on WPs? on ship armor, does the ability still persist for all 30 turns even when the components are destroyed?
Ship-based Crystalline armor effect is recalculated for every hit.

EG. my Dragon class BB, 9 BCA III's.
It takes bLast after bLast from an enemy ship. Every four hits, I lose another chuck of armor, and the damage leaking through my shields increases by 8 points.
Next combat turn, the armor is partially healed back, and the crystalline effect rises.

I haven't tried it on WPs, since it is so very hard to get a decent planet in the combat simulator.
I suspect that the crystalline effect might recharge the planetary shields, but have no effect on the platform's shields (since the platform + shields => planet hitpoints).
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