Pretender Point Cost Calculator - Help Needed
I'm currently working on a project with my fiance to write a java program that'll allow a player to go through and figure out the least expensive method to build a pretender from scratch.
What happens is that you give program the following information
Magic Paths
Dominion Score
Specific Nation
Then the program uses a reference I've compiled of every pretender in the game to calculate the cheapest way to get what you want. This should be particularly useful for making rainbow mages, or double/triple blesses by letting you maximize your points.
The only thing I really need help with is if people could do some data entry for me. I need to know which pretenders are available for each nation.
The specifics are that I would give people a spread sheet to fill out, and if I get 3 volunteers, I could divide up the work up by the ages. Probably wouldn't take more than 30 minutes, tops, to do an entire age.
I've included the XML file with all the pretender data in it to show you that I slogged through all 110+ pretenders by myself. You can probably just open it in a spreadsheet program, I know Excel was able to translate it nicely into a spreadsheet.
The XML file only includes starting path level, cost for a new path, the base cost of the chassis, and starting dominion, but that's all you need to know to figure out which pretender is the cheapest for a particular bless or site searching strategy.
If you'd like to help out, drop me a PM, or post here.
Even if you're not interested, if you'd find the application useful, just knowing that would be good too. Or if there's any features or functionality you'd like to see in addition to what I mentioned above.