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Old March 25th, 2008, 09:06 PM

CFeicht CFeicht is offline
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Default Priority Hexes

Hello All,

I've noticed these things called "priority hexes" in the artillery dialog during several scenarios and had a few questions about them.

I've noticed the practical effect these things have of decreasing the arrival time of missions, but what are they meant to represent that they cause a decrease in the arrival time of bombardment missions?


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Old March 25th, 2008, 11:01 PM
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Default Re: Priority Hexes

Priority Hexes are pre-plotted artillery fire locations.

Normally to get an artillery mission a forward observer has to radio in to a Fire Direction Center who then determines which artillery assets are available and calls them and passes on the fire mission. The artillery battery then has to calculate the direction and distance to fire to hit the desired location and get the guns moved.

With a pre-plotted (i.e. priority hex) the firing battery already knows the direction and distence because it was already calculated. And it's quite possible the guns are already pointed where they need to be.

Thus the response time between the call for, and the arrival of a fire mission is reduced.

Hope this answers your question.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie

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Old March 26th, 2008, 03:30 PM
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Default Re: Priority Hexes

CFeicht said:

Hello All,

I've noticed these things called "priority hexes" in the artillery dialog during several scenarios and had a few questions about them.

I've noticed the practical effect these things have of decreasing the arrival time of missions, but what are they meant to represent that they cause a decrease in the arrival time of bombardment missions?


Royal Artillery Methods in WW2

An excellent site on artillery methods.

Try the above site - click on the "registered Targets" link re "gold spots".

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