The purpose of this mod is to make gods feel more truly GODlike. It is not intended to improve balance, though weaker gods have been given more buffs than stronger ones.
Currently 27 gods have been adjusted;
I am looking for feedback as to whether the mod is on a good path; so i don't finish all 100 or so gods then find out things aren't nice.
Most of the ones adjusted so far are common ones.
I estimate most things have been improved by around 90-200 points, though of course abiltiies don't have point values, so it's just a guess.
Not all changes show up on pretender selection, notably onebattlespell and various domsummon commands. If you want to see the full text, you can read the mod text in notepad; right-click on the mod and select edit (in windows, but it should open in any text editor on any system) Monsters are in order of id#, which can be found in game by with ctrl-i.
So, lemme know if the mod is in a good direction, or if stuff should generally be buffed more/less. individual god comments are also welcome; also please report any bugs you find.