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Old October 28th, 2007, 11:59 AM
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Default Spell Guide Beta-0

After a year-long hiatus, here's the newest version of my spell-modding guide.

It includes:
Bitmasker.xls - this is a shortcut to help you calculate bitmask for #spec fields, or for the fields associated with some effect #s that take bitmasks in the damage. Also good for custommagic.

HexConvert.pl and howthisworks.txt - In case you feel a crushing need to convert binaries to .csv format. Use with caution.

Spell Effects and Damage Combos.txt - This is a comprehensive list of all of the effect #s and what they do with different damage values. Edi doesn't think this belongs in the mod manual . I say he is mean.

spells_320_VLOOKUP.xls - Ha ha! It's an .xls file! Kneel before your master, filthy hippies!
This is far from complete. The SPELLS sheet is slowly gaining the kind of functionality that would make it actually useful. For many spells, it may be informative.

The Raw Data sheet has the raw #s associated with each field in each spell record. This *is* quite useful. You can help me write more lookup scripts for these if you want, but for use in spell modding, you can just dump the values in this table (if numeric values are accepted) into the corresponding fields of a custom spell, and usually you will get a duplicate spell.

Very large numbers are actually negative.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Spell Guide 320.zip (777.6 KB, 289 views)
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe

Last edited by DrPraetorious; October 14th, 2008 at 08:46 AM.. Reason: new version
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Old October 28th, 2007, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Extremely funky. I can see that Edi has helped you out a bit. The words "true" and "false" are in finnish!

That effect number -5 (summon unique) seems promising.. Very promsing indeed..
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Old October 29th, 2007, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Thank you for the enormous effort.

What does "mallus" in the effect column mean? (Will this be my first lesson in Finnish?)
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Old October 29th, 2007, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

It's an english word . It's the antonym of "bonus".

Benign -> Malign
Bonus -> Mallus

So a curse or detriment would be a mallus. If you look in the damage column, you'll get a better explanation.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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Old November 6th, 2007, 05:44 PM

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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Hi everybody, my first post here!

Thanks for the list DrPraetorious! I had some fun with it and webalized it, hope you won't mind. I wanted a way to figure out what spells my mages could cast given their magic levels. So I put (parts of) your list in an sql database, and then designed a web interface to ask exactly that question.

I took the opportunity to play around with some new web technologies, so I ended up using lots of buzzwords: XML, XMLHttpRequest, client side XSLT/XPath and so on. Very Web 2.0

Unfortunately it only works in Opera (9.5) at the moment. Firefox complains about an XSLT error which I haven't had time to investigate. It's also possible that it works in Safari or new Konquerors. I don't think IE supports anything remotely similar to what I'm using.

Even more unfortunately I can't actually put it out on the web yet since I don't have a host with PHP5, and I don't want to rewrite the DOM/XML generation stuff for PHP4. Hopefully I can nag them to upgrade their PHP soon enough.

But anyway I'll try to attach a screenshot of my prototype here if I can figure out how.

I also wanted to ask a related question. I noticed that all this spell data is (probably) extracted from the binaries, where they are all nicely listed with all their properties. Now, I wanted my list to also include all forgeable items, but I can't find any such lists in the binaries Is such a list available anywhere? Ie: Magic item paired with magic path requisites?

In desperation I even fired up gdb but predictably got nowhere (other than to establish that get_item does something a bit more literal than I had hoped).
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Old November 6th, 2007, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Snoddasmannen said:
Even more unfortunately I can't actually put it out on the web yet since I don't have a host with PHP5, and I don't want to rewrite the DOM/XML generation stuff for PHP4. Hopefully I can nag them to upgrade their PHP soon enough.
There are plenty of free web hosting providers that offer PHP5 (some together with PHP4, too). You honestly really don't want to mess around with it in PHP4. PHP5's DOM/XML on the other hand is quite nice, I can confirm that aswell.

Snoddasmannen said:
Now, I wanted my list to also include all forgeable items, but I can't find any such lists in the binaries Is such a list available anywhere? Ie: Magic item paired with magic path requisites?
Try Edi's Dom3 DB. It is linked in his signature.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 06:59 PM

Snoddasmannen Snoddasmannen is offline
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Hello again everybody.

My host eventually upgraded to PHP5 which means that I could put the searchable spell interface up there. If anybody's interested, have a look at:


Unfortunately, as I mentioned, I can't seem to be able to get it to work in Firefox, neither 1 nor 2. Something about the XSLT apparently doesn't sit right. If there are any Firefox fans out there with knowledge in this area, I certainly welcome patches to my javascript/xml.

It does however, work excellently in Opera 9.5. I'm guessing it works in 9.2x as well but I haven't tried it. It should also work on any later embedded Opera, such as on your Archos 605 media player, or on your Wii, though I've only tried the latter

Anyway, have fun and search, and please let me know if you have any ideas for improvements. It should be easy to add functionality.

Bonus points for the first person to spot the SVG's!
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Old November 13th, 2007, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Snoddasmannen said:
Unfortunately, as I mentioned, I can't seem to be able to get it to work in Firefox, neither 1 nor 2. Something about the XSLT apparently doesn't sit right.
First thing to do, serve the right content type. Currently the xmlspells.php script returns the Content-Type: text/html, while it should be text/xml. You can set the right content-type via header()
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Old November 13th, 2007, 09:38 PM
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Snoddasmannen...looks good but it doesn't work on my machine. Probly a problem on my end.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 10:21 PM
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Default Re: Spell Guide Beta-0

Doesn't work on my machine either, but it's a great idea.

I'm going to put some more work in on this over the next couple of weeks (along with various mods in various states of non-completion.... anyone know anything about Thai or Prussian mythology and care to make suggestions?), and there should be a better version shortly.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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