Wiem1938 said:
This is very strange. Twice now a Jagdpanzer IV and now a Panther G have been knocked out by a frontal shot from a bazooka team.
The bazooka's penetration is listed at 12.
The Panther G's frontal hull (where it was hit - saw the figures on the display) is listed at 14.
Yet the bazooka has recorded penetrations (without hitting a weak spot) of 14 and 16. This is impossible and I can only ascribe this to a bug.
Please explain.
Warhead size is
always a part of the penetration formulae.
Baxooka warhead size is 4, so maximal penetration (without allowing for weak spot critical hit) is 16.
quote from the Mobhack help file, weapons tab page:
Warhead Size - this is a very important variable. Larger WH size represents larger shells. WH over a certain value will cause crater damage, drop bridges (higher yet to drop stone ones) and cause larger explosion graphics and noises etc. None, some or all of Warhead Size can be added to all kill and penetration values, so if all stats are identical - an AP shell with a larger WH will tend to penetrate more armour at a given range than the exact same stats, bar WH size. An HE weapon with larger WH size will kill a few more men on average than a weapon with identical HE characteristics, bar WH size. Size 0 could be allowable for militarily useless weapons like pistols, for example, to reduce their effect dramatically from other HE kill 1 weapons - but not recommended.