Item Mod
I've modded other games before, but I'm not completely familiar with Dom3 yet. I know there are some mods to help AIs now, but one area the AI seems to be quite weak where humans excel is items (boosters, SC items, etc etc). So I would like to make a mod that simply doubles the price for items...
1water items cost 10water gems instead of 5water gems;
3earth items cost 30earth gems instead of 15earth gems;
4death items cost 50death gems instead of 25death gems;
Granted this would make empowerment more attractive at some levels, but item boosters also allow you to swap them around to other mages all over the map for different path combos so I don't see a problem.
Is there a way to simply increase the cost for all item forges (so 1water = 10gems instead of 5) or would I need to manually change each individual item? Any tips/suggestions welcome.