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Old May 21st, 2007, 05:41 PM

blitzkreig blitzkreig is offline
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blitzkreig is on a distinguished road
Default German Long Campaign 1939 -1945

Setting hardest - 20% repair points
Map size 50 x50
Turns 28

Core Force: Kamfgruppe Steiner -

Fictional KG from 1st Pz Div. I intend to build it into a all arms force based around a Schutzen/Pz Gren btl.

Battle 1: Poland, September 1939 - Meeting Engagement
(The battle of the bridges).


Folowing the outbreak of war the KG prepares a passage of lines through the Infantry Division that has seized the intial border crossing in front of 1st Pz Div. The majority of the KG is snarled in a huge traffic jam close to the border. Obrstlt Steiner takes the intiative and takes his KG TAC HQ and other lead elements to recce the FEBA. SIG INT indicates a possible Polish counter attaack on the KG line of advance. Obrstlt Steiner advances and takes Op Control of two Infantry Kp manning the FEBA.

Core force:

KG TAC HQ - Kommandeur - Obrstlt Steiner
KG Staff - 1 x Speahtrupp, 2 x Kfz 15
Tornister Funktrupp (Signals section)- 1 x speahtrupp, 1 x kfz 15
2 x Kleinerpzfunktrupp (light arm sigs sec) -
2 x sdkfz 223

1 x le Pz Kp

kp HQ - 1 x PIIc, 2 x Pz Ib, 1 x Pzbefwagn

3 x le Pz Zug - 3 x PIIc, 2 x PZ 1b each


2 x Inf Kp (Grw)including 50mm mortars and anti-tank rifles. Each Coy supported by 2 x 81mm mortar tubes.
3 x SpearTrupp squads.


Heavily wooded. A stream crosses the map N-S through the centre of the map. A dirt track runs E-W in the North. 2 wooden bridges allow the road to cross the stream and a minor tributary.

Victory Hex clusters: North - located around the bridges
Centre - In forest E of stream
South - Very bottom of map in woods


With much of the map unsutiable for Pzs 1 x Inf kp to cross stream take and hold the centre VH cluster. 1 x Infantry Kp to cross stream and take village on high ground over looking the bridges. Le Pz Kp to push down the road and take over watch posiotons on a small rise overlooking the brige creating a cross fire. KG TAC HQ to accompany le Pz Kp. 2 x Kleinerpzfunktrupp to maintain radio communcaiotns in KG rear.

Turns 1- 5

The Inf Kps advance through the woods towards the centre VH cluster. Le Pz Kp speeds down the dirt road to take up overwatch positions covering the bridge. 1 x pz Zug and Kp HQ in reserve 500m behind lead Pz Zugs. KG TAC HQ deploys into treeline overlooking bridges. Enemy tanks observed moving on high ground N of bridges. Serval 20mm cannon bursts at 800m fail to pentrate enemy armour. Polish infantry observeded on road marching for the 1st bridge. Steiner observes through his field glasses that the Polish tanks seem to be charging straight towards the boggy ground around the stream at full throttle.

Turns 5 - 9

Polish Infantry squads and anti tank rifles attempt to rush the 1st bridge but are beaten back by MG fire from several Pz Ibs. The Pz IIcs are ordered to hold fire until the Polish Vickers Tank plt is within 500m. Polish 75mm artillery and 82mm mortar rounds impact on the two leading le Pz Zugs blowing a track of a Pz Ib. The central VH cluster is taken by Ge Inf Kp. 2nd Kp crosses stream and begins to climb up to the village. Some harassing Polish 75mm rounds land several hundred metres behind the infantry to no effect.

Turn 9

Steiner smiles grimly. So far so good, two of the KGs objectives within grasp. He raises his field glasses the rest of the Polish horde must be close by!

in the N the vickers Plt is hard hit with 4 tanks taken out by accurate 20mm fire into its flanks from 400-500mm. Return fire from several 47mm rounds is pityfull. A Tks plt attempts to storm the bridges but is completely wiped out buy accurate 20mm fire from two pz IIcs. One Pz zug pulls back in a fake retreat in an attempt to lure the Polsih infantry out into the open. Steiner plots 81mm mortar fire plans onto the bridge. Will the Poles fall for the bait?

In the centre Ge inf Kp digs in and prepares to defend their patch of forest from the on coming Poles.

Turn 10-14

In the N the last TKS and Vickers is dispatched by 20mm cannon fire. A brave but fruitless effort by the Polish tankers. Polish infanrty show themsevles after the ruse. The Pzs hold fire until the Poles are midway between the two bridges before opening a devastaing MG and 20mm fire on the hapless Poles, 20mm rounds are running dangerously short with the 2 Zugs in contact! the 2nd Ge Infantry Kp moves into the village making the Poles misery worse as they open up with small arms and 50mm mortars catching the Poles in a deadly crossfire. Return fire from anti-tank rilfes and grenades bouce off the Pzs light armour but damage several. The imoblised Pz 1b has its MGs shot off by an accurate Polish anit tank rifleman before he is cut down. Steiner's 81mm mortars hit the bridge causing carnage amongst the routing Polish infantry. Polsih 75mm rounds continue to impact upon "Pz Hill" damaging a PzIIC. The Zug fuhrer considers withdrawl but that would mean abadoning the crew of the Pz 1b with it's shot of track and destroyed MGS to the Polish horde! Steiner decides offense is the best form of defense and orders the le Pz Ke HQ to counter attack and take the still neutral N VH cluster.

The central Inf Kp fights off several Cavalry probes with ease. Horses against MG34 LMG not a winner!

The Souhtern VH cluster is snapped up by Polish forces. Steiner dispatchs the reserve le Pz Zug to head S to form up for a counter attack.

Turn 15 -

Supressing fire from Pz Hill and small arms fire from the village keep the Poles heads down while the le Pz Kp HQ take the N VH cluster with guns blazing. Despite several damaging hits from anti-tank rifle and Anti-tank grenades the Poles are pushed further back and begining to rout following further mortar hits from the 81mms. Steiner decides the time will be right for a charge in finiest blitzkreig style to take the fight to the enemy.

In the centre the Polish horde makes it appearance. Several Polish infantry Coys attack but are held at bay buy the brave Landseers. 81mm mortar fire is requested by Kp HQ in order to keep the horde at bay. The Lansders take light caualties.

T16 -24

75mm arty and 82mm mortar rounds impact across my lines causing several causlties around the centre VH cluster.

In the north the Pz kp heads deep into the Polish rear killing and capturing a Polish Infantry Coy and an 82mm mortar group. The KG TAC HQ advances when a sharp eyed signaler observes movement in the bushes next to the road. Steiner jumps out of his field car and promtly sprays the pushes with his SMG causing a die hard Polish squad to disperse, a close one! The 2nd Inf kp occupy the N VH cluster.

In the centre a nasty hard fought battle develops as the Landser fight off numerous Polish Squads who almost sucidally charge their postions. Accurate 81mm mortar fire is vital in keeping the horde of 20 man squads at bay.

In the south the Reserve Pz Zug launches its flank attack. One Pz IIc becoming bogged in the stream bed but the other Pzs put there foot to the floor take the VH cluster without contacting the enemy.

Turn -25 game over result Decivise victory! Hurrah!


Germany 25 men
Poland: Men 437
Arty: 1
AFVS: 11

Scores Germany 1988
Poland 35



The le Pzs stood up surprisngly well to anit tank rifle and grenade fire at 100-300m range. several many hits only a few hits causing light damage. The 81mm mortar teams were battle winners. Without them the Landsers would have been overrun.


No arty for counter battery. The 75mm on and off board were a pain but didn't cuase massive damage. But wanted the extra Landser so I wouldn't get swamped buy the inevitably 20 man horde.

Man of match:

Fldwbl Bauman in his PIIc with 7 kills! Tks hunter extrodinare!

"Boot 'em, don't spatter 'em!" - Heinz Guderian


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Old May 21st, 2007, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: German Long Campaign

Good Hunting, Steiner

Execllent AAR. Obstmbnfr PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
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Old June 7th, 2007, 10:50 AM

blitzkreig blitzkreig is offline
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Default Re: German Long Campaign

Battle 02 - Poland 1939 (Battle of two fields)

Difficulty - 20% repair points
Tank Heavy - Off
Map Size - 60 x 60
Visiblilty - 16 Hexes
Length - 44 Turns


The map is heavily wooded. There is however a large area of open ground in the centre of the map containing two fields bordered by woodland on three sides. Wooded high ground dominates the western clearing edge and a dirt road runs along the northen clearing edge. The Dirt road runs E-W through the nothern quarter of the map. North of the road there are thinner patches of woodland. A village is streched across the road along the edge of the open ground.

VH: The victory hexes are spred across the map. A group scatterd around the village, a group around the southern edge of the open ground and several scattered through the German and Polish deployment areas.


Enemy forces:

A Polish counterattack of unknown strength is expected in the area to prevent the rapid thrust of 1st Pz Div deep into polsih territory.

Friendly Forces:

Following the KG's victory at the battle of the Bridges elements of the KG begin to extract themselves from the trafic Jam in the rear. The Pz crews are able to carry out some quick reapirs before Obrstlt Steiner takes the intiative passing through the Landseers (Infantry) FEBA with orders to exploit inot the Polish Rear areas.

Stiener stands somking his trademark cigar as dusk begins to set, visibility is reducing fast. Steiner waits next to the light armoured radio car of the KG HQ's KleinerPz Funk trupp. The signals officer is in contact with a Storch observation plane flying over the KG's line of advance. "Large Enemy force sighted 3000m to the east Her Obrst!" The KG TAC HQ races into activity Steiner being quick to act, the KG must get to the high ground before the Poles!



Kommandeur: Obrstlt Steiner
KG Staff: 1 x Speahtrupp , 2 x Sdkfz 15 field cars
PzFunktrupp:1 x sdfz 260 (sdkfz 223 without MG)
Kranken : 1 x Opel blitz truck (ambulance)

1st Le Pz Kp: Major Gross

Kp HQ: 1 x Pz IIc, 2 x Pz Ib, 1xPzbefwgn

1st Zug: 3 x Pz IIc, 2 x Pz Ib
2nd Zug: 3 x Pz IIc, 2 x Pz Ib
3rd Zug: 3 x Pz IIc, 2 x Pz Ib
4th Zug: 5 x Pz IIc

1st Schutzen kp (Pz Gren):

Kp HQ: 1 x SMG Gruppe, 1 x MG34 MMG Gruppe (2 MG34 MMG),
2 x Sdkfz 251/1 SPW (SchutzenPzWgn - halftrack)

2 x Schutzen Zug: 3 x Rifle Gruppe, 1 x antitank rifle
team, 1 x 50mm mortar team, 4 x Sdkfz
251/1 SPW.


1 x 105mm btr+
1 x 150mm btr
2 x VB (Sdkfz 223 FOO)


Meeting Engagement


FSG: Fire support group and reserve

KG TAC HQ, + 2 x VB, 1 x Schutzen Zug, and the 4th le Pz Zug to push through the woods on the reserve slope of the high gound on the western clearing edge and take up overwatch postions in the tree line on the crest. The Schutzen Zug providing southern flank protection to le Pz Zug which will in turn provide cover fire for the le Pz kp. KG TAC HQ to deploy in some buildings on the northern edge of the high ground. 2 x VB to move into good observation positions on the crest. 150mm btr to be used for on and off board counterbattery fire. 105mm + btr to be used against Polish troop concentrations.

Manoeuver Element:

1st le Pz Kp (-) to push onto the open ground, dominate it and push the Polish Infantry back into the eastern woods where they can be contained.

1st Schutzen Kp (-) to push through the village providing a screen to the Pz kp's left flank.

Turn 1-5:

The Schutzen Kp (-) moves into the village rolling along the road in their SPWs protecting the Pzs left flank. Several Polish Infantry squads are observed entering the village's eastern end 400m away. North of the village a Polish TKS is seen moving between the woodland. Polish 75mm Arty hits the road but falls well to the rear of the SPWs.

The le Pz Kp (-) advance into the open ground with 2 Zugs leading, advancing in bounds they secure several VHs. The Pzs open fire on some Polish infantry in the eastern end of the village with MG fire. A force of Polish Cavalry and armoured cars emerges from the woods into the south end of the clearing. 2 Polish armd cars are soon burning after taking hits from Pz IIc 20mm cannons and the Cavalry cut down by MG fire.

The FSG takes up postions on the high ground. In the far south serval VHs are taken by the Poles.

Turn 6-11

Sporadic Polish 75 & 100mm fire arty impacts on the west end of the village in the German rear without causing casualties. The rear most Zug of the le Pz Kp is dispatched North to deal with the threat of the flanking TKS. The Zug wheeled around the western end of the village before moving east catching a TKS plt and a supporting Polish Infantry Coy in the open. 5 TKS were soon turned into burning wrecks by 20mm cannon hits. The accompanying Polish Infantry took heavy losses from the Pz's MGs and were forced back.

While the Polish attempt to flank the village in the north turned into a bloody mess at least two Polish Infantry Coys and a 7TP Tank rush the Eastern end of the village. The Schutzen Kp is forced back by sheer weight of enmey numbers in a nasty firefight taking several casualties. The speed, armour and MG34s on the SPWs saving the Kp from heavy loses and allowing them to pull back under the cover of smoke grenades. The kp pulls back 500m and establishs a blocking postion. More Polish armour pursues the retreating Kp but two are knocked out be well placed hand grenades. The kp makes an urgent request for 105mm arty on the eastern end of the village to stop the Polish horde.

The le Pz kp pushes on across the open ground making it 3/4 of the way over buy the end of turn 11. Several Polish anti-tank rifle teams are killed on route but not before a Pz IIc is damaged by a well placed rifle round. Polish Infantry emerges from the eastern end of the village and the eastern woods bravely charging the advancing Pzs with fanatical courage. Rifle, LMG, 46mm mortars, anti-tank rifle grenades and anti-tank rifle rounds bounce of the Pzs armour in a ferocious fire fight. Despite taking horific casualites from MG fire the Poles are only halted by 105 & 150mm arty rounds which halts the horde, some brave Poles make it to within 50m of the Pzs! While the Polish infantry are cut down 3 7TP tanks move out of the village and engage the Kp HQ section with their 37mm guns. The three Pollish tanks are eventually knocked out by 20mm fire but not before 3 x Pz IIc are left destroyed. Obrgfrtr Mittelburg (2 kills) being the sole surviour form the steel coffins. A futher Pz IIc has its 20mm cannon destroyed before the last of the Polsih tanks is destroyed.

The FSG brings 150mm arty fire down on suspected Polish arty postions following the sightings of several smoke clouds in the Polsih rear. The btr soon has to switch fire on to the Polish infantry in order to stop the Pz kp from being overwhelmed.

Steiner observes the siucidal Polish charge through his field glasses. The KG seems to have been attacked by a reinforced Polish Btl! Steiner deicdeds that bold action is called for and decides to send the reserve Pz Zug and Schutzen Zug in a flanking attack in the south. The Schtuzen zug has alrady destroyed a Polsih amrd car trying to sneak into the German rear with a well place handgrenade. The unit ambulance is dispached to recover the stunned and bleeding Obrgftrt Mittelburg.

Turn 11-17:

The Poles begin to retreat acrros the map pursued by the KG. In the north the flanking Pz Zug cuts the road in the Polish rear trapping the retreating Polish infantry between them and the pursing Schutzen Kp in thier SPWs. The Polish retreat turns into a rout with the Germans guning down, capturing or dispersing several Polish Infantry Coys and an AAMG plt.

The le Pz kp mops up in the centre clearing up another Polsih Coy. Some Poles continue to fight with two Pz IIcs being hit by anti-tank rifle grenades. One Pz being damaged and the other having a track blown off. As the Kp advances deep into the Polish Rear the HQ section comes under 40mm AA fire, the Kps Pzbefwgn being brewed up by a well aimed burst of fire.

The FSG's flank attack hits another Polsih infanrty coy which is put to flight after several turns fighting. German Arty fire causing heavy Polish losses. The Schutzen Zug takes several VHs while the KG Kranken Wgn (ambulance) carries a stunned Mittleburg to the rear, at least he lived to fight another day!

Turn 18-22:

In the north the Schutzen kp dismounted in the enemy rear destroying 4 x 75mm guns, 1 x 40mm AA gun and the Polish HQ.

The Pzs take the reaming VHs in the the Polsih rear mopping up Polish stragglers, another AAMG plt and several 81mm mortar teams.

The 150mm btr destroys the remaining 40mm AAG after it claimed another Pz IIc and gave away its postion.

Turn 23;


Final Scores: Germany 4286
Poland 270

Battle 2: Germany - Men: 33 AFV: 5
Poland - Men 1046 AFV: 14 Arty 9

Total: Germany Men: 58 AFV: 5
Poland Men: 1483 AFV: 25 Arty: 10

Man of the match:

Obrgftr Schwendt Kp HQ MMG Gruppe:

10 kills in his first engagement! Schwendt ordered his gruppe's SPW along the road into the middle of the retreating Polish infnatry before dismounting and having 7 squads surrender to him in one turn! His gruppe then guuned down a further 3 Poslih squads in the Polish rear after setting up his guns to cover the Polish map edge.

Fldwbl Bauman's accurate 20mm gunnery brings his tally to 10 kills having destroyed a further 3 TKS in this battle.

The Good:

I won! The SPWs really proved thier worth in their fisrt engagment of WWII. Their firepower, armour and mobility allowed a single Zug and the Kp Hq to take on, pin and hold nearly 2 Polsih Coys on ground of my choosing! Will recomensd to OKW that production to be increased!

The Bad:

My Pzs! The Mark I and IIs really showed they aren't up to modern war. They stuggled to compete on even terms with the Polish 7TP unless they got to within 400m By which time they took losses. The 40mm AAG easily destroyed the comand tank at over 700m. I need to treat these with caution next time! Some anti-tanks guns might also be a good idea!

The Campaign so far:

This has been really interesting and demanding campiagn so far. No fancy tanks with big guns in 1939! Speed and mobility have been the key so far. The SPWs have been invaluable and I've learnt that mobility and tactics beat mass and numbers every time (at least so far!)

Steiner will March again!

"Boot 'em, don't spatter 'em!" - Heinz Guderian


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Old June 16th, 2007, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: German Long Campaign

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bullets.gif[/img]Excellent Ian

Cheers PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
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