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Old April 18th, 2007, 01:12 PM

Shan Shan is offline
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Default abandoned vehicles?

I'm playing a PBEM as Malaysia vs Thailand and got the enemy pretty under control... but this crazy guy - he had a last surviving ADATS without missiles hidden in the jungle and after I made a paradrop in his rear and my Paras left the drop zone, a Sniper who had been dropped a bit further away struggled to keep up... there comes the ADATS from the back, the crew dismounts (there must be a dismount button - which one is it?) (ADATS has no MG) and that evil crew kills my sleeping sniper (!) with pistols - he didn't even return fire... now, an ADATS costs 351 points while the crew, which I killed next turn, costs 0 - will I get the points for vehicles abandoned by the enemy on the battlefield when the game is over?
'Qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparat' - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (~400 AD), in the preface to 'De re militari'
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Old April 18th, 2007, 01:50 PM

Sarunas Sarunas is offline
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Default Re: abandoned vehicles?

I think you need to "destroy" that abandoned vehicle by parking a unit on top of it for one turn - it will turn from 'abandoned' to 'destroyed'.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 06:58 AM
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Default Re: abandoned vehicles?

Shan said:
I'm playing a PBEM as Malaysia vs Thailand and got the enemy pretty under control... but this crazy guy - he had a last surviving ADATS without missiles hidden in the jungle and after I made a paradrop in his rear and my Paras left the drop zone, a Sniper who had been dropped a bit further away struggled to keep up... there comes the ADATS from the back, the crew dismounts (there must be a dismount button - which one is it?) (ADATS has no MG) and that evil crew kills my sleeping sniper (!) with pistols - he didn't even return fire... now, an ADATS costs 351 points while the crew, which I killed next turn, costs 0 - will I get the points for vehicles abandoned by the enemy on the battlefield when the game is over?
1) Dismounting : Game Guide, "main Map Window" link, see the table of hot keys - specifically "@" key. Or in the game press the "?" key for help (or the help button, which has the "?" icon). Read through the "Game Help" Section of help text - should be about page 2.

2) The vehicle will be marked as destroyed at game end, provided the crew are dead, or the enemy vehicle was abandoned and not re-crewed and the battlefield is under your control.

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