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Old April 2nd, 2007, 07:29 AM
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Default Rating PD

What race would you consider having the best and worst pd?

I think some of the top PD nations:
Abyssia, Ulm, Sauromatia (pretty much all archers),

Some of the worst:
Machakata, all the monkey nations, Caelum and Arco (the light infantry runs ahead of all the myrmidons, gets killed, then the myrmidons break)

What are your favorites?
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 07:47 AM

Methel Methel is offline
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Default Re: Rating PD

the monkeys actually get the pretty decent bandar infantry at higher levels, those are brutal. Especially in EA when they are even armored
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 08:49 AM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: Rating PD

I'm still learning the various races, but so far I'm really unimpressed with Niefelheim's PD (low attack + large size = never hits anything) and I remember being favorably impressed with EA Ermor. Helheim's PD is good in the sense that for 1 point you get a Vanherse who's sacred and a spellcaster, and will occasionally get lucky and stop a medium-strength attack by killing the commander with a Lightning Bolt or something. Other than that, Helheim's PD is good troops with poor morale. I like Marverni PD. Lots of missile troops, decent attack/defense, good quantity.

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Old April 2nd, 2007, 09:01 AM
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Default Re: Rating PD

yeah, i was surprised with the performance of Marveni as well. And I also found the Giants PD pretty poor.

Problem with the monkey PD is the same as Arco. All those light monkeys run ahead and get slaughtered then they route. The heavy bandar infantry are ususally routing before they get into it.
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 09:25 AM
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Default Re: Rating PD

What's really horrible about Caelum's PD is how the flyers immediately get shot down by their own archers - a problem with any mixed archer/infantry PD, but with them, you don't even get one or two rounds of open shooting before friendly fire becomes an issue...
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 09:34 AM

Folket Folket is offline
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Default Re: Rating PD

Jotunheim has by far the worst PD. I had my pd of 13 defeated by 8 medium infantry.

Monkey nation have fair to weak pd. The fast monkeys have size 1 and 13-14 defence. Against most armies they will get defeated pretty quickly, but if you have other units as well, they will keep the enemy busy for a couple of turns. Also against giants they work great. Giants can only stack one in each square so it will take a long time before they have killed enough to make them break.

I think LA Then Chi have the best PD. lots of archer and some heavy cavalry archer that will fight well in close combat as well.

Ulm do not have that good pd. Only 1.5 unit a point. 2.5 over 20.

I also consider Caelum to have fair pd. The flyers will attack on round 1 before any raider will be able to buff. Also they have fair chances against barbarian hordes and other random attacks.
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: Rating PD

Mictlan has also a weak PD below 20, they get just light armored warriors that are wiped out very easily

At a value of PD 20 onwards things change because they get a Mictlan Priest as a second commander plus Jaguar Warriors. This conforms a very strong setup taking into account the insane blesses that Mictlan uses...
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Rating PD

In Dom2 I considered Neifelheim to be above average, and Pangaea's to be weak. With Dom3 they seem to be reversed.

But this is a good conversation to have. Especially if people will give hard numbers. Not so much on the tactics (Im not sure how flexible that is).

But I know that the game maintains a seperate table for each nation as far as PD at each purchase level. It came up in a discussion with the devs and kindof shot down a suggestion I had. So dont try to max out the performance of PD (I think that would imbalance things further and possibly be ignored). But suggestions of a mix of units which might work better might be accepted by the devs.

Saying "just use archers" or something to that effect would probably not work either. I think the image of PD tends to include a mix of the nations units.
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 02:33 PM

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Default Re: Rating PD

Ulm is among the best of the MA races. The arbalests can sometimes kill a commander with the opening salvo. But it is by no means great.

Giants and manchaka(MA) are both laughably poor.

Man is ok, especially above 20 with longbows and tower guards, and after protection is researched the bard casts that on all the defense. I think Maragon(MA)is decent with crossbows and footmen.
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 02:53 PM

Ewierl Ewierl is offline
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Default Re: Rating PD

I have felt Pangaea's to be among the more useful, both in Dom2 and Dom3. Those satyrs rout and die easily, but their strength and attack values make them capable of doing some actual damage before they run. Harpies kill nothing, but they keep the archers busy and prevent them from slaughtering the satyrs as quickly. They aren't great at "holding the province" but they are great at "wearing down enemy armies", and the latter is all you're looking for in most circumstances.

Agreed that Man is good at higher levels, but utter crap at low levels.
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