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Old February 12th, 2007, 07:21 PM
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Default Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

At last the second beta from my online map editor is available ( http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor/ )

The first beta was all about getting infos from existing map, with few changes possibles at the province level.

The second beta will be about changing stuff, with currently working :

- edit province name
- add or remove the "killpop" flag
- select province population type
- add or remove the "killfeatures" flag
- add or remove features (magic sites), with a list of all existing features available
- remove commander

It is not yet possible on the released beta to edit or add commanders, but I hope to have those features, or at least part of them, availabe for the next update.

And of course the features already implemented in the first beta are still there :

- change neighbours by mouse click
- edit province terrain_types (including the "hidden" terrain types not shown by the official map editor)
- list existing commanders and units (but you can't change them yet)
- edit map description and some other general infos.

As it's the last big beta before release, I would really appreciate any help, so if you see a bug, have a suggestion to make, or just want to tell how this will be useful for you ( hey, morale needs support too ! ), just answer to this thread.

Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old February 13th, 2007, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

Update :

- it is now possible to add new commanders to a province, with access to the full units list to choose from
- commander custom name can now be set (click on the current name (or on "-random name-" if no name is already set)
- Commander unit type can be changed (click on the current unit type/ID to change it)

Next :

- units and bodyguards
- commander custom magic paths
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old February 13th, 2007, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

Added more maps to the editor :

- Cradle of dominions
- Arduria
- Parganos
- Ringworld

Don't be shy to make remarks, even negative ones, if something doesn't work for you, or doesn't works as well as it should : maybe for exemple some of the larger maps images are still too long to download (I can use images of lower resolution, with an automatic scaling of the province numbers so they are still shown at the correct position).

If you have a scenario project and need some features not currently available , say it.

Note : if you have an existing .map file and some features used are not editable yet by the editor, don't worry : all documented map commands should be supported by the editor, and kept for the output map code, even if they are not visible yet in the editor itself. So you can already use the editor to put the finishing touch to a scenario, or to prepare a map file before editing manually the commands not already supported.
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old February 13th, 2007, 09:19 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

Gotta say mate, love the randomizer - will be checking this out shortly.
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Old February 14th, 2007, 05:27 AM
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

jutetrea said:

Gotta say mate, love the randomizer - will be checking this out shortly.
Thanks, it was my first work before the map editor.

Once the editor will be complete, I plan to add the "randomizer" and "greater manisites" options to the editor itself, in the main menu. (and I have lots of special provinces that I need to add to the current list)

But what will really allow me to improve the randomizer will be when Edi's DB will be released : with it I will be able to set groups of random units appropriate to their terrain types (currently you can have random non auqatic troops that drown in sea provinces for exemple). That's why
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old February 14th, 2007, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

New Update :

- Units can be added, edited or removed from commanders, at last !

Next update :

- Bodyguards, the work for them is only slightly different from units, so it should be done soon
- commander custom magic path
- commander items
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old February 14th, 2007, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

fixed a small bug that prevented the "remove unit" button from showing in the unit edit panel
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old February 14th, 2007, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

New update :

- fixed some bugs

- bodyguards : set, remove or change bodyguards of a commander by clicking on the "bodyguards" value

- remove item by clicking on it (a confirmation is asked)

Next :

- add items
- set commander custom magic paths
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old February 14th, 2007, 10:12 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

That is bloody cool!

Love it!

Even a noob can use it!

K, few minor suggestions for the future that are more convenience than anything else.

Is there a way to script a "on kill" event? i.e. I capture a province and trigger an event? a la "quests/objectives?"

More info on either the initial page or province page (easy access in one spot). Maybe a link to a unit list, or link to an item list, and especially a link to a site list (not sure exactly what is out there currently or if its updated).

Possibly in the future have a mouse-over description or description box - lots of units, lots of commanders, lots of items.

Sortable by different features (troops/commanders) - melee, ranged, magic or hero, etc. Sortable by "themes" for specific province creation - i.e. undead, aquatic, lava.

A specific hero list - i.e. if you wanted a specific thug guarding a specific site.

Can you rename commanders? Nvm, nice!

After the unit number is picked - possible to keep the name/type in view somehow?

This one might be tricky versus just brute labor - a selectable "random" category - i.e. random commander, random troops, random items, random sites.

So I know I want a province to be special, but don't want to take the time to populate it - or I want a random magic user in there, along with a random mounted unit with random troops.

So, love the idea and the way its going - is there anyway we (I) can help?
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Old February 15th, 2007, 06:15 AM
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Default Re: Online Map Editor : second beta begins !

jutetrea said:
That is bloody cool!

Love it!

Even a noob can use it!

I hope so, else I wouldn't have worked as hard to have a nice looking interface.

And note that it is still a beta version, not all features are in yet (bust most are).

K, few minor suggestions for the future that are more convenience than anything else.

Is there a way to script a "on kill" event? i.e. I capture a province and trigger an event? a la "quests/objectives?"
Not with the current map commands made available by Illwinter, sorry.
(Dominions 3 does not allows for any custom event)

At best you can place a predefined magic site as a reward, or give some useful magic item to a commander in the province that will maybe be looted when you kill him.

More info on either the initial page or province page (easy access in one spot). Maybe a link to a unit list, or link to an item list, and especially a link to a site list (not sure exactly what is out there currently or if its updated).

There are already lists of all units and sites (and a list of all items will be added soon).

The problem is that there isn't yet any list with really complete informations , such as unit abilities or magic sites description.

Edi is currently working on a complete Dom3 DB project to release such list, and when it's done I will use it to give more informations in the editor.

Or was it about some other type of list ?

Possibly in the future have a mouse-over description or description box - lots of units, lots of commanders, lots of items.

A small province panel when the mouse is over a province number on the map ? Good idea, I will probably add it once the detailled province panel is complete.

Sortable by different features (troops/commanders) - melee, ranged, magic or hero, etc. Sortable by "themes" for specific province creation - i.e. undead, aquatic, lava.
Oh, you means sort and filter options for the units list ?

I have planned them for when Edi's DB is released.

The current list is already dynamically (re)created, so showing only some type of units is just a matter of having the informations in the first place.

A specific hero list - i.e. if you wanted a specific thug guarding a specific site.

Can you rename commanders? Nvm, nice!

Yes you can, just click on the current name (or on "-random name-" if no name is already set)

After the unit number is picked - possible to keep the name/type in view somehow?

Already in : when you choose a unit in the unit subpanel, the unit's ID will be assigned to the commander, but it is the unit description that will be shown. Moreover, in the resulting map file, the unit description will be added as comments aside the command that set the unit (#commander , #bodyguards or #units)

Exeption : the editor don't add the unit information to units already set to the province in the original map file (but it will in the future).

Simple test :

- open the "Mini" map (use the default map file)
- click on the province "3"

You will see a commander whose unit type is set to "114".

If you click on the unit type, the unit panel wil open, and you will se that the unit "Commander of Ulm (1)" is selected, it is the unit whose ID is "114".

Just click OK, for the commander it will still be 114 that will be assigned, but "Commander of Ulm (1)" will be printed.

Note : the (1) is from a test I made about unit advandced informations. The unit list is currently parsed from a file, and I already can add additionnal informations on any unit ID. To test it. The (1) after the "Commander of Ulm" part is just something that I added to be able to make the difference beetween the several commanders whose name is the same. (depending on the unit ID, your "commander of ulm" won't have the same weapons and armors)

When Edi will have completed the unit DB , instead of just a number, I should be able to have an appropriate description, for exemple "Commander of Ulm (hammer and tower shield)"

This one might be tricky versus just brute labor - a selectable "random" category - i.e. random commander, random troops, random items, random sites.

So I know I want a province to be special, but don't want to take the time to populate it - or I want a random magic user in there, along with a random mounted unit with random troops.

Currently you can use my map randimzer at http://dominions.realites.org/ to add random commanders and units to a province.

To make a province special, you can add the "manysites" terrain type, and use the "greater manysites" option of the randomizer to add a random predefined province that match the terrain types of the current province.

So, love the idea and the way its going - is there anyway we (I) can help?

In fact yes there is something : to improve the editor, I want to use some graphics from the game, but don't have the time to make screen captures.

What I need :

- magic path icons, so instead of "Fire 4" for a commander, I could just have "[fire path image] 4" for exemple

- the "scenario" icon

- small images/icons of forts, temples, and labs

- maybe a wrapparound image of the background used by dominions 3 panels, that I could use instead of mine.

- the color codes for the magic path (as used in the province panel ingame, to show the path already searched in the province)

- the "greater manysites" option use special pre defined provinces with terrain type requirements (see the current list at http://dominions.realites.org/?actio...ial_provinces), and I could use more province ideas. (note that other provinces have been suggested that I noted but didn't have the time to add yet)
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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