Announcing the posting of FQM 5.00 Beta 2, for SE5.
download link (321 KB)
This mod features:
* More realistic placement of planet types, with rock in the inner rings, gas giants in the middle, and ice on the fringes.
* Most of the funky quadrants from FQM for SE4, such as Spaghetti, Old, Newborn, Paradise, Super-Grid and Maze.
* Nebulae that look more like nebulae, with 70 storms per system.
* Multicolored nebulae for more variety.
* More ability variation on stellar objects, including asteroids and storms.
* 4 and 5 star systems.
* Protostars, with storm color coordinated to star color.
* Real star names instead of the wacky stock ones.
* And more!
Please note that this is a work in progress. There are bound to be quirks, which you should report. All suggestions for improvement are welcome!