Eventide Status Page
Game Type: TCP/IP (static server)
Speed: 48 hours per host + quickhost
Era: Late
Players: 18 (all)
Nation Selection: Random with exceptions
Map: 16.6 provinces per player pre-generated map.
Victory Conditions: 224 out of 300 provinces controlled
Graphs: On
Magic Site Freq: 50
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On
Everything Else: Defaults
Masterpass: There will be one
Length: If you aren�t eliminated this game might last 6+ Months. Be prepared!
Ermor � Velusion
Ulm � Meglobob
Utgard � FAJ
Mictlan � Lch
Pangaea � Shovah32
R'lyeh � Reay
Jomon � Manuk
C'tis � PashaDawg
Agartha � Ramshead
Caelum � Uninspiredname
Abysia � CyborgMoses
Patala � Micah
T'ien Ch'i � Baalz
Atlantis � Terasaerto
Man � Fal
Marignon � Calmon
Midgard � Folket
Arcoscephale � Hadrian II
Due to the fact that the virtual server which runs these games has timekeeping issues I will be manually forcing this game to host every 48 hours. Eventually the game will move to another machine. Quickhost will be enabled. It is hoped that players will normally be able to play every 24 hours, with the occasional missed day.
Players who wish to surrender (resign) should simply turn their nation to AI or have a substitute take over. Failing to do you turn twice a in a row without letting anyone know will get you put on AI.