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Old June 2nd, 2001, 07:06 PM
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Default PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

I just started playing with new planet sizes, and I tried to make a new planet size, smaller than "tiny". It would be a really small moon world, with one facility of you can breathe "none". Domed, you'd get no facilities, so you'd only be able to use it to grow people and build small units.

The thing ended up as having no picture, "--" for a surface type, "NA" for atmosphere type, optimal conditions, and normal resource value.

Does anybody here know how to add new Planet sizes properly? The text file has no hints .
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

The sectortype file defines the planet size.

You can not have any size type then was is defined. The name (I think) can be super tiny but the stellar name has to be tiny in the Planetsize file.
These things are hard coded.
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 09:05 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

Thanks for the help.

I've had the Micro planets show up perfectly fine, but some of them are still "-" instead of "Rock - Micro" like the others, with "NA" for an atmosphere.

edit)Its only some of them too. In one game, I can see one Micro thats working and one that is not.

Edit2)I just found that some of the random-sized planets are choosing Micro, but I can see a random Micro that works.

So far, I've got:
one of these in systemtypes
Obj 13 Physical Type := Planet
Obj 13 Position := Ring 5-7
Obj 13 Stellar Abil Type := Normal Asteroids
Obj 13 Size := Micro
Obj 13 Atmosphere := None
Obj 13 Composition := Rock

plus, in systemtypes one of these for every atmosphere:
Physical Type := Planet
Picture Num := 220
Description := A piece of rock barely large enough for gravity to form it into a sphere.
Planet Size := Micro
Planet Physical Type := Rock
Planet Atmosphere := None

Physical Type := Planet
Picture Num := 220
Description := A very small moon sized body which has accumulated a thick layer of surface ice.
Planet Size := Micro
Planet Physical Type := Ice
Planet Atmosphere := None

and for planetsizes.txt I have
Name := Micro
Physical Type := Planet
Stellar Size := Tiny
Max Facilities := 1
Max Population := 250
Max Cargo Spaces := 500
Max Facilities Domed := 0
Max Population Domed := 10
Max Cargo Spaces Domed := 200
Constructed := False
Special Ability ID := 0

[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 02 June 2001).]

[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 02 June 2001).]
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

Ok I found your problem.
If you use this set
Obj 13 Physical Type := Planet
Obj 13 Position := Ring 7
Obj 13 Stellar Abil Type := Normal Planet
Obj 13 Size := Micro
Obj 13 Atmosphere := None
Obj 13 Composition := Rock

it will place them as planets but it will remove all moons from the map (why this happens -- I don't quite understand yet).

If you remove it totally from the SYstemTypes file, then they will be placed randomly as moons and planets.

[This message has been edited by Dracus (edited 02 June 2001).]
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

it will place them as planets but it will remove all moons from the map.

If you remove it totally from the SYstemTypes file, then they will be placed randomly as moons.

I don't quite follow. There were still small and tiny moons, and the Micro planets were used as both moons or planets.

I will change it to "Normal Planet", and see what comes up.
I'm thinking that maybe the Gas Giants are trying to use the Micro size, since they are only prohibited from being tiny or small...
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 10:07 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

If you remove the entry from the SystemsType file then when a map is created, every place the game wants to put a tiny planet or moon. it will randomly pick between the micro ones and the standard tiny one. This is because they both use the tiny stellar setting.

In the 7 or eight maps I have looked at, if you define it in the file, all the moons go away.

Now you can't define it as an astroid since astroids can not be colonized. This causes the map to do weird things.
I tested this on a standard load 1.35 with no modded files.

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Old June 2nd, 2001, 10:10 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

Oh and one other thing, they will show up in the map editor and you can pick them.
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

In the 7 or eight maps I have looked at, if you define it in the file, all the moons go away.

Now you can't define it as an astroid since astroids can not be colonized. This causes the map to do weird things.
I tested this on a standard load 1.35 with no modded files.

I'm doing QuickStart with Eee for the ancient race trait, and this is the first modding I've done with the system settings. The only thing I've changed before were descriptions (Level 5 nebulas say "obscures ALL" instead of "some")

My moons are normal, and I have the occasional Micro moon because of my addition to the Standard 1 system.
Some of the "Any/Any" planets turn out to be Micros, but I still get wierd invisible "null" worlds.

When you load the game, click the planets list ans scroll through to find a planet without a picture... It'll be sitting all alone and not have any properties other than resource value. (Its not even a Micro)
That is the problem I still have.

If you can't duplicate the null worlds, I'll upload a zip of the altered files.
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Old June 2nd, 2001, 10:22 PM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

Yes post the files, I can not seem to get the same results as you.
Everything I try gives me good results or the weird missing moons results.

Correction, I fixed the weird missing moons problem by adding a space between the 5 - 7
I changed it to 2 - 7 to get them to show up in any ring.

Obj 13 Physical Type := Planet
Obj 13 Position := Ring 2 - 7
Obj 13 Stellar Abil Type := Normal Planet
Obj 13 Size := Micro
Obj 13 Atmosphere := None
Obj 13 Composition := Rock

Still can't get any blank ones.

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Old June 3rd, 2001, 01:56 AM
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Default Re: PlanetSize.txt and creating new Sizes

OK, here are the files. They are all original SE4 V1.35 except for

The list of Planets usually shows two or three null planets, on a quick start Eee game.
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